Getting Started with Django Web Development: A Beginner’s Guide

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Django is a powerful web framework for building web applications quickly and easily. In this tutorial, we will walk through the steps to create a Django QuickStart Web Application for beginners.

Step 1: Install Python

Before you can start using Django, you need to have Python installed on your machine. You can download and install Python from the official website (

Step 2: Install Django

Once you have Python installed, you can install Django using pip, which is the Python package installer. Open a terminal or command prompt and run the following command:

pip install Django

This will install the latest version of Django on your machine.

Step 3: Create a new Django project

To create a new Django project, run the following command in your terminal or command prompt:

django-admin startproject myproject

Replace ‘myproject’ with the name of your project. This will create a new directory called ‘myproject’ with the necessary files and folders for your Django project.

Step 4: Create a new Django app

Django projects are made up of multiple apps, which are independent modules that handle different components of your web application. To create a new app, run the following command in your terminal or command prompt:

cd myproject
python startapp myapp

Replace ‘myapp’ with the name of your app. This will create a new directory called ‘myapp’ with the necessary files and folders for your Django app.

Step 5: Create a view

Views in Django are Python functions that take a web request and return a web response. To create a simple view, open the ‘’ file in your ‘myapp’ directory and add the following code:

from django.http import HttpResponse

def index(request):
    return HttpResponse("Hello, world!")

Step 6: Create a URL pattern

URL patterns in Django map URLs to views. To create a URL pattern for your view, open the ‘’ file in your ‘myapp’ directory and add the following code:

from django.urls import path
from . import views

urlpatterns = [
    path('', views.index),

Step 7: Configure the project urls

To connect your app’s URL patterns to the project’s URL patterns, open the ‘’ file in your ‘myproject’ directory and add the following code:

from django.contrib import admin
from django.urls import path, include

urlpatterns = [
    path('', include('myapp.urls')),

Step 8: Run the development server

To see your Django web application in action, run the following command in your terminal or command prompt:

python runserver

This will start the Django development server, which you can access in your web browser at You should see the message "Hello, world!" displayed on the page.

Congratulations! You have successfully created a Django QuickStart Web Application for beginners. You can now continue to customize and expand your web application by adding more views, templates, models, and functionality..djang

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1 month ago

Why do you put a forward slash after the variable you defined, which was called in the path method?

1 month ago

good boy sublime, good boy 🙂

1 month ago

Mariya you the best!

1 month ago

Hi, thank for you simplifiend videos, is there any followup video on Django ?

1 month ago

yo yo yo 🙌 , thank u Maria <3

1 month ago

yo yo yo

1 month ago

thank you very much from Brazil. I really appreciate your effort, Mariya. I feel lucky that the youtube algorithm recommended your channel to me.

1 month ago

Thank you very much for this video. It’s been of great help to me. It made the documentary easier to understand and work with.

1 month ago

many thanks love.

1 month ago

do we need to follow the same process if we use pycharm, there if I import Django , do I still need to follow these steps

1 month ago

realy amezing🥰

1 month ago

wow its super complicate, i think the Flask tutorial was easier

1 month ago

I chan read this 😉 Thank you so much! So clear and coherently. I'm happy youtube recomended you channel and now I can engoy and learn your lessons. Thank you!

1 month ago

Great video Mariya! 🚀 If anyone’s looking for more Python tutorials, we’ve released Loguru logging, task scheduling, and more to help the community too 💪

1 month ago

Chan, you read this??

1 month ago

yo yo yo

1 month ago

Yo yo yo, you are the bestyo develepoyo teacheryo. Thank you a lot.

1 month ago

very helpful ! thanks

1 month ago

Thank you so much for creating and sharing such an insightful and informative tutorial on setting up a Django development environment and creating a basic web application! Your step-by-step guidance made it incredibly easy for me as a beginner to understand the process and get started with Django. I truly appreciate the effort you put into explaining each aspect, from setting up Anaconda to adding static files. Your video has been immensely helpful in building my confidence and skills in Django development. Looking forward to more content from you! Keep up the fantastic work!

yo yo yo !

1 month ago

Can we really make a real time social media application using backend(python,django),frontend(html,css,js),mysql database. if yes, how can it will be possible? Please reply me!