Getting Started with Kendo UI for Angular | JS Drops

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Introduction to Kendo UI for Angular | JS Drops

Introduction to Kendo UI for Angular

Kendo UI for Angular is a comprehensive collection of libraries and components designed to help developers build modern web applications with ease. It includes a wide range of UI components, such as grids, charts, forms, and more, that can be easily integrated into Angular applications.

Key Features of Kendo UI for Angular

  • Rich Set of UI Components: Kendo UI for Angular provides a rich set of UI components, including Data Grid, Charts, DatePicker, Dropdowns, and more, to help developers create powerful and visually appealing interfaces.
  • Integration with Angular: Kendo UI for Angular seamlessly integrates with Angular, making it easy for developers to use the components within their Angular applications.
  • Customizable and Extensible: The components provided by Kendo UI for Angular are highly customizable and extensible, allowing developers to tailor them to their specific needs.
  • Responsive Design: Kendo UI for Angular components are designed to be responsive, ensuring that they look and work well on any device or screen size.

Getting Started with Kendo UI for Angular

To get started with Kendo UI for Angular, you can follow the official documentation and tutorials provided by the Kendo UI team. The documentation includes a step-by-step guide to help you set up and start using the components in your Angular applications.

You can also take advantage of the extensive set of code examples and demos available on the Kendo UI for Angular website, which can help you understand how to use the components and customize them to meet your specific requirements.


Kendo UI for Angular is a powerful and versatile collection of UI components that can greatly simplify the process of building modern web applications with Angular. With its rich set of features and seamless integration with Angular, it is an excellent choice for developers looking to create compelling and responsive user interfaces.

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Lars Rye Jeppesen
7 months ago
