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Getting Started with Svelte: A Beginner’s Tutorial

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Getting Started with Svelte: A Beginner’s Tutorial

HTML tags provide structure and organization to web pages. They allow you to define different elements and their relationships, making your content more readable for both humans and machines. In this beginner’s tutorial, we will explore how to get started with Svelte and understand the fundamentals of this powerful JavaScript framework.

What is Svelte?

Svelte is a modern JavaScript framework used for building user interfaces. Unlike traditional frameworks like React or Vue, Svelte compiles your code to efficient JavaScript at build time, resulting in smaller bundle sizes and faster rendering speeds. It provides a simple and intuitive syntax to create components and handle reactive data, making it an excellent choice for developers who want to build high-performance web applications.

Setting up a Svelte Project

To get started with Svelte, you need to set up a new project. Let’s dive into the necessary steps:

1. Install Node.js: Svelte requires Node.js, so make sure you have it installed on your machine. You can download it from the official website and follow the installation instructions.

2. Create a new Svelte project: Open your terminal or command prompt and navigate to the desired directory where you want to create your project. Run the following command to generate a new Svelte project using the official template:

npx degit sveltejs/template svelte-app

This command fetches the Svelte template from GitHub and copies it to your local machine.

3. Install project dependencies: Once the project is generated, navigate into the project directory using the following command:

cd svelte-app

Next, use npm (Node Package Manager) to install the required dependencies:

npm install

This command installs all the necessary packages defined in the project’s package.json file.

4. Start the development server: You are now ready to start the development server and see your Svelte application in action. Use the following command:

npm run dev

This will compile your Svelte code, start the development server, and open your application in a web browser. You can access it at http://localhost:5000.

Understanding Svelte Components

One of the key concepts in Svelte is components. Components are reusable pieces of UI that encapsulate specific functionality and can be composed together to build complex interfaces. Let’s create a simple component to get a better understanding:

1. In the project directory, navigate to the “src” folder and locate the “App.svelte” file. Open it in your preferred code editor.

2. Remove the existing code in the file and replace it with the following:



Here, we define a component named “App” that contains a script, a main HTML element, and some styling. The script tag is used to declare the necessary variables and their initial values. In this case, we have a variable called “name” set to ‘Svelte’.

Using the variable in the HTML section is achieved by wrapping it in curly braces {}. This mechanism provides data binding, so any changes to the variable will automatically update the rendered output.

3. Save the file and go back to your web browser. You should see the text “Hello Svelte!” displayed on the screen.

Customizing the Component

Now that we have a basic component, let’s explore how to customize it by accepting input and updating the UI accordingly.

1. Open the “App.svelte” file again.

2. Inside the script tag, add the following code:



In this code, we define a function called “updateName” that changes the value of the “name” variable when invoked.

3. Modify the main HTML element as follows:



We added a button element with an “on:click” attribute that binds the “updateName” function to the button’s click event. When clicked, the function will be called, updating the “name” variable and subsequently updating the UI.

4. Save the file and refresh the web browser. Click the button, and you will see the text change to “Hello Svelte is awesome!”.


Congratulations! You have successfully set up a Svelte project, created your first component, and learned how to update its UI based on user interactions. This tutorial serves as a foundation for further exploration of Svelte and its advanced features. Experiment with different components, explore the extensive range of available libraries, and build impressive user interfaces with ease using Svelte. Happy coding!

Remember, HTML tags play a crucial role in structuring your Svelte components and making them more readable. This article aimed to provide a beginner’s guide to getting started with Svelte, but there is much more to discover. Dive into the official documentation, explore tutorials, and start building your own web applications using this powerful JavaScript framework.