Going Live with Django, Tailwind CSS, Argon Dashboard, Docker, and AppSeed

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Django & Tailwind CSS – Argon Dashboard, Docker, Go LIVE | AppSeed

Django & Tailwind CSS – Argon Dashboard, Docker, Go LIVE | AppSeed


If you are looking to create a beautiful and responsive web application using Django and Tailwind CSS, then AppSeed has the perfect solution for you. Their Argon Dashboard template combines the power of Django with the flexibility of Tailwind CSS to create a stunning dashboard that is easy to customize and deploy.


  • Responsive design
  • Integration with Django web framework
  • Customizable components using Tailwind CSS
  • Ready-to-use Docker configuration for easy deployment
  • Support for going live with your app

How to Get Started

To get started with the Django & Tailwind CSS – Argon Dashboard template, simply visit the AppSeed website and follow the instructions for downloading and setting up the template. You can then customize the dashboard to fit your specific needs and deploy it using the included Docker configuration.


With the Django & Tailwind CSS – Argon Dashboard template from AppSeed, you can create a stunning web application with ease. The integration of Django and Tailwind CSS allows for a seamless development experience, while the included Docker configuration makes deployment a breeze. So why wait? Get started today and bring your web app to life!

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