Google’s Latest UI Development Tool: Mesop

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Introducing Mesop – Google’s New UI Maker

Google has recently announced the launch of a new tool called Mesop, which stands for “Microservice Serverless Operation”. Mesop is a user interface maker that allows developers to easily create and design user interfaces for their applications without having to write any code.

With Mesop, developers can drag and drop elements onto a canvas to create custom user interfaces for their applications. This allows for quick prototyping and iteration, making it easier to design and test different layouts and designs before committing to code.

One of the key features of Mesop is its integration with Google Cloud Platform, which allows developers to easily deploy their user interfaces to the cloud and access them from anywhere. This makes it easy to collaborate with team members and stakeholders, as well as test and validate design decisions in real time.

Additionally, Mesop provides a library of pre-built components and templates that developers can use to speed up the design process. These components are fully customizable, allowing developers to tailor them to fit their specific needs and requirements.

Overall, Mesop is a powerful tool that streamlines the user interface design process and empowers developers to create beautiful and functional interfaces for their applications. With its intuitive drag-and-drop interface, integration with Google Cloud Platform, and library of pre-built components, Mesop is sure to become a go-to tool for developers looking to create stunning user experiences.

Try Mesop today and revolutionize the way you design user interfaces for your applications!

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1 day ago

Thank god possibly a standardized way to develop LLM Tool-Use 🎉

1 day ago

Seems unnecessary

1 day ago

Why people dont give Dash the love it deserves. Such powerful python UI maker

1 day ago

Great video. Thanks

1 day ago

What about Taipy

1 day ago

So I should learn how to do UI in a new language (python), with a new framework (mesop), so that I can do UI faster until I fix all the design flaws, then I can rewrite it in the language + framework I normally use?

1) Correct me if I'm wrong, but python still has the global interpretter lock (GIL), which hurts scalability unless I want to spawn endless processes.
2) There seems to be quite a bit of heavy lifting under the hood just due to the fact that so little code has to be written, which has become a complete red flag for me, since every tool I've used similar to this always gets in the way and I waste time trying to figure out what all that clockwork is doing behind the framework in order to achieve my goal.

No thanks.

1 day ago

after the prototype is demonstrated and approved, is there any way to generate application code and remove all dependencies on mesop? or maybe that is not the intended purpose of mesop, in which case my bad.

1 day ago

The structure seems similar to SwiftUi .. in how you create the layout , text , buttons.. etc

1 day ago

how to run outside colab?

1 day ago

Dang, that's amazing!

1 day ago

can you make a video about langchain v0.2?

1 day ago

Does this work well with threaded bg process?

1 day ago

WE can't use this outside of google colab like public links from gradio

1 day ago

Nice video, Streamlit and Gradio has already a lot of component.s. Curious about the decision to use Flask and not Fastapi?

1 day ago

Streamlit is also a free server…. Would be good to point out

1 day ago

Why are ppl sleeping on chain it

1 day ago

Compared to Gradio is it simpler? from your video it looks similar…

1 day ago

Is there any way to host it for free and make a small app available to the public at a small scale?

1 day ago

Any thoughts on how to use prompting to generate my UI on the fly for my user? I want to have a dynamic UI that is driven by the prompts.

1 day ago

hi Sam, can you do also file upload or it has a stored memory of uploaded files in the backend where FE can just query? thanks

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