Google’s launch of GEMMA revolutionizes the AI landscape forever!

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Google Introduces GEMMA and Changes the AI Game Forever!

Google Introduces GEMMA and Changes the AI Game Forever!

Google has once again shown its commitment to advancing the field of artificial intelligence with the introduction of GEMMA – the Google Enhanced Machine Learning Algorithm. GEMMA promises to revolutionize the way AI is developed and implemented, and could change the game for industries across the globe.

GEMMA is designed to be faster, more accurate, and more versatile than existing AI algorithms. It is capable of handling incredibly large data sets with unprecedented efficiency, making it an ideal solution for companies looking to leverage AI in their businesses.

With GEMMA, Google is setting a new standard for AI development, and is poised to become a major player in the rapidly evolving field of artificial intelligence. Companies that adopt GEMMA will have a significant advantage over their competitors, and could see dramatic improvements in efficiency, productivity, and profitability.

Google’s introduction of GEMMA is a clear indication of their continued commitment to pushing the boundaries of AI technology. With GEMMA, Google is proving once again that they are at the forefront of innovation in the field of artificial intelligence, and are dedicated to shaping the future of AI for years to come.

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3 months ago

Google is hoping 3d party developers can think of some more useful things to do with LLM tech besides just error-prone chatbots.

3 months ago

Gemma doesn't change anything. It's trash. Google continues to embarrass itself by releasing half-finished AI products, while OpenAI continues to amaze the world with stuff they're developing.

3 months ago


3 months ago

Thus video is a waste of time repeats the entire time useless trash. User needs to stop being lazy and do the work to make a good video.

3 months ago

Show me a picture of BLACK George Washington please…

3 months ago

Pls anyone but google.

3 months ago

And yet they need the same voice over

3 months ago

Google AI pushing racist and sexist tropes to disrupt society.

3 months ago

Responsible ethical norms: no nudity. Sucks.

3 months ago

Is it racist like Gemini?

3 months ago

so local gemini?

3 months ago


3 months ago

Do not click "JOIN" YOU WILL BE BILLED $$

3 months ago

Hopefully the safeguards are able to identify when evildoers are utilizing this framework to improve their ransomware, and other malicious software.

3 months ago

You suck dude, biased

3 months ago

what sucks about every one of these AIs is there's so many safeguards they are over cautious to please their human masters and you end up with the issue of them not generating images of black people when you ask. they won't even swear, it's so ridiculous. all safeguards should be removed. people are going to do bad things with them anyway.

3 months ago

Is it STABLE? And how stable?

3 months ago

Woke rubbish just like their YT platform

3 months ago

It's all fake programmed propaganda which shouldn't be used in schools.

3 months ago

Modern day EDUCATION is going to be driven by AI and people will have to be skilled in how to use AI from a YOUNG AGE in the NOW, already.

AI enables one to work through a lot of INFORMATION and one can see this in CHESS…

ALL the top people train with AI…

And one can APPLY the SAME type of ways in SCIENCE EDUCATION…

AI, which is still IMPERFECT but already BETTER than ANY HUMAN in MANY THINGS, is already so evolved that people who are studying ASTRONOMY, GENETICS and other such disciplines cannot do so cannot do so WITHOUT MASTERING AI because they CANNOT do their work properly WITHOUT the powers of AI…

This is the reality of modern life…