GOP Representative Condemns Ongoing Cover-ups in Biden Business Probe

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As the investigation into President Joe Biden’s business dealings continues to unfold, one GOP representative is speaking out about what he sees as a series of cover-ups and obfuscation by the administration.

Rep. Ron Johnson (R-Wis.) has been an outspoken critic of the Biden administration’s handling of the investigation into the president’s son, Hunter Biden, and his foreign business dealings. Johnson, who sits on the Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee, has been working tirelessly to uncover the truth behind the allegations of corruption and influence-peddling that have surrounded the Biden family for years.

In a recent interview, Johnson expressed his frustration with the lack of transparency and cooperation from the Biden administration. “It’s been cover-up after cover-up,” he said. “They’ve done everything they can to stonewall our efforts to get to the bottom of this. It’s clear that they have something to hide.”

The investigation into Hunter Biden’s business dealings has been ongoing for several years, with allegations of corruption and influence-peddling swirling around the Biden family. However, the issue gained new attention last year when emails and other documents obtained from Hunter Biden’s abandoned laptop suggested that he may have used his father’s position as vice president to secure lucrative business deals with foreign entities.

Since then, Republicans have been pushing for a thorough investigation into the matter, arguing that the American people deserve to know the truth about the president’s family and any potential conflicts of interest. However, their efforts have been met with resistance from the Biden administration, which has repeatedly downplayed the allegations and dismissed calls for further scrutiny.

Despite the obstacles, Johnson remains determined to uncover the truth. He has pledged to continue his efforts to get to the bottom of the Biden family’s business dealings, and he is calling on the administration to fully cooperate with the investigation.

“We owe it to the American people to get to the bottom of this,” Johnson said. “The American people deserve to know if their president and his family have engaged in unethical or illegal behavior. We cannot allow these allegations to be swept under the rug.”

As the investigation into the Biden family’s business dealings continues, it remains to be seen whether the administration will cooperate with efforts to uncover the truth. However, Johnson and other Republicans are not backing down, and they are committed to holding the Biden administration accountable for any potential wrongdoing.

In the end, the American people deserve transparency and honesty from their elected officials. It is essential that the investigation into the Biden family’s business dealings be conducted thoroughly and impartially, so that the truth can be uncovered and justice can be served. Only then can the American people have confidence in the integrity of their government and its leaders.

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6 months ago

If we have to WAIT for them to tell the truth… Means they are LYING NOW. 😂😅

6 months ago

What a load of BS Fox you.going to end up being sued again. Can see it.coming.

6 months ago

Excise me biden was nit even president. This is not the millions like, ummm, that person named trumpf and family

6 months ago

If Hunter is guilty.. then why won't the republicans as requested, as Hunter requests made.public.. umm, sound funny to me. Republicans are scared!

6 months ago


6 months ago

more voters for theDemocrats

6 months ago

Ukraine aid comes back to the politicians families who are supporting it just like the Biden family

6 months ago


6 months ago

This money given to Ukraine is not going to where theyre saying that its going. No more!

6 months ago

Why is Rep. James Comer not concerned with Jared Kushner and Ivanka Trump's $3.1 BILLION cash haul while working in the Trump administration?

6 months ago

Im pretty sure we are stealing the working-class from all those countries… I just wish the politicians would be honest about it.

6 months ago

No closed border no money period!!!there are big problems now with a very good chance of terrorism if this border continues the way it is!!!!

6 months ago

Reagan just like trump wants to down size the government in every way the government is like a dime holding up a dollar! The border needs to be closed and the laws need to be followed it’s a border that Mayorkus has turned into a turnstile!!!

6 months ago

I remember Reagan saying that and the education secretary should have remembered that too unless he was hoping he wouldn’t have been called out on it!!!

6 months ago

Bidens deposition is coming very soon! Hunter claimed he couldn’t wait to tell his side but all of a sudden he’s worried about a deposition he knows their on to them including his father! Who won’t be in the room with him uh oh!

6 months ago

The government CAN do a lot of things. Refusing to do it doesnt mean they can't.

6 months ago

No evidence… but guilty @ the same time. Ok.😂

6 months ago

His hat should have a chinese flag on it.

6 months ago

Glad we know someone from Michigan is a republican in Lisa McClain I wish Tudor Dixon had won for Governor.

6 months ago

why is James Comer afraid of public hearings with all the evidence he has? and open boarders means we can defund the billions going to ICE and CBP right?