Government Media Office in Gaza Calls for International Intervention in Response to Israeli Bombardment

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The Israeli bombardment of Gaza has sparked international outrage and calls for intervention after days of escalating violence. The government media office in Gaza has issued a strong statement calling for international intervention to stop the Israeli attacks and protect civilians in the region.

The Israeli bombardment of Gaza, which began on Monday, has resulted in dozens of deaths, including many women and children. The airstrikes have targeted residential buildings, schools, hospitals, and other civilian infrastructure, causing widespread destruction and displacement. The government media office in Gaza has condemned the Israeli attacks as a flagrant violation of international law and a blatant disregard for the lives of Palestinian civilians.

The statement from the government media office in Gaza has called on the international community to take immediate action to stop the Israeli bombardment and hold the Israeli government accountable for its actions. The office emphasized the need for the United Nations and other international bodies to intervene to protect the people of Gaza and ensure their safety and security.

The Israeli bombardment of Gaza has also drawn condemnation from international human rights organizations and world leaders. The United Nations has expressed deep concern over the escalating violence and called for an immediate ceasefire to prevent further loss of life. The European Union and other countries have also called for an end to the violence and a return to peace talks to address the underlying issues fueling the conflict.

The government media office in Gaza has called for a comprehensive and immediate intervention to stop the Israeli attacks and bring about a resolution to the longstanding conflict. The office has urged the international community to take a firm stand against Israeli aggression and work towards a just and lasting peace for the people of Gaza.

As the Israeli bombardment of Gaza continues to escalate, the calls for international intervention to stop the violence and protect civilians are growing louder. The world is watching as the tragedy unfolds in Gaza, and the need for immediate action to stop the Israeli attacks and bring about a peaceful resolution to the conflict has never been more urgent.

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6 months ago

" So, do not become weak, and nor be sad, and you will be superior, if you are indeed believers ". (Qur'an 3:139)

6 months ago

What has the world done?? Nothing genocide 😢😢

6 months ago

لقد كان قادتكم يعلمون جيدًا رد الفعل الذي سيكون لإسرائيل، والآن تهاجموننا؟ اذهب وابكي في مكان آخر فلن يساعدك أحد ولا حتى مصر تريدك إيران "وقفتك" لأن فلسطين هي حماس، ولن نتوقف حتى اللحظة الأخيرة!

6 months ago


6 months ago

If ur question is "why sufferings"?and why Palestinians have such strong faith?Read this 👇
All of us go through hardships and calamities that are not pleasing to us. We have all experienced moments and days of sorrow and suffering; be it one or more of the natural disasters, the loss of health or wealth, the loss of one of our dear ones, or even simpler issues that we face in our everyday life. The number of people who do not complain while they are suffering an incident is very few. Sometimes the calamities are so huge that they put us under severe pressure and take us to the point where we start complaining to Allah and asking Him the famous “why” question: “Why should this happen to me? Why don’t you help me overcome my problem? Why does this suffering seem everlasting?”
Worldly suffering in the Quran
We may be surprised in reading the verse of the Quran in which Allah (SWT) says:
“Certainly We created man in travail.” (90: 4)
Why would He do such a thing to us? Was He going to take revenge on us for something? Or does He enjoy seeing us suffering?
The fact is that all different types of problems, sorrows, losses, and sufferings can be looked at from two different perspectives. If one looks at problems and calamities only from a materialistic perspective, one may be able to find a material reason for each; For example, the drought is caused by the lack of rain, the disease is caused by poor hygiene and bankruptcy is a sign of lack of business awareness. But from the Islamic viewpoint, there are several factors influencing these events and disasters only some of which are considered material causes.
Allah tests us
One of the wisdom behind worldly sufferings according to the verses of the Quran is that Allah tests His servants with hardships and calamities, and in this test only those who are patient are victorious:
“We will surely test you with a measure of fear and hunger and a loss of wealth, lives, and fruits; and give good news to the patient.” (2: 155)
And We will surely test you with something of fear and hunger and a loss of wealth and lives and fruits, but give good tidings to the patient…Who, when disaster strikes them, say, ‘Indeed we belong to Allah, and indeed to Him we will return.”
(Al Baqarah, 155-156
It is noteworthy that there is no problem in mourning for our sorrows, feeling down, and even crying over them. We are all human beings, flesh, and blood, and sometimes we feel so burdened by the difficulties of life that we find it hard to bear. Yet one should be wary not to blame Allah for these sufferings and turn his/her back to Him. Instead, we should find the capacity to submit to the fate destined for us by Allah, believing in the fact that Allah is the only One who can save us from these calamities and would never do injustice to us. These are the times we should get closer to Allah and rely on His mercy and help.
But, why would Allah need to test His servants? He mentions in a verse of the Quran that being faithful is not accepted in words only, and to prove one’s faith, he/she should go through different tests:
“Do the people suppose that they will be let off because they say, ‘We have faith,’ and they will not be tested? Certainly, We tested those who were before them. So Allah shall surely ascertain those who are truthful, and He shall surely ascertain the liars.” (29: 2-3)
It is not for Allah (SWT) to find out if we are real believers or not, but by putting us through tests He allows us to see the real level of our faith and try to improve it or leave it as it is.
Therefore, one can conclude that the divine test is performed to separate and recognize the truthful from the false claimants and to make the believers pure. The higher the level of our faith goes the harder the tests become.
Saving human’s faith
Another reason behind worldly sufferings according to Islamic teachings is that Allah (SWT) wants to save and strengthen His servant’s faith. Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) narrated from Gabriel from Allah that:
“Among my faithful servants, there are some whose faith is not amended except by poverty and destitution, and if I make him rich, this wealth will corrupt and destroy his faith. And among my believing servants, there is one whose faith is not corrected except by wealth, and if I make him poor, poverty and misery will corrupt and destroy his faith. … I guide them by the knowledge that I have of the hearts of my servants. It is true that I am Wise and Knowledgeable.” [1]
Therefore, there are many things that happen to us by the will of Allah which may not be pleasing to us and we may interpret them as sufferings while at the heart of them are great blessings for us:
“… may be that you dislike something, which is good for you, and it may be that you love something, which is bad for you, and Allah knows and you do not know.” (2: 216)

Warning from Allah
Sometimes we are so pleased and drowned in the blessings that Allah (SWT) has provided us that we totally forget our mission and goal of living in this world. In these moments Allah (SWT) tests us with some calamities and puts us through some sufferings to remind us of our goal and warn us about the consequences of neglecting our mission. These little sufferings as mentioned in the Quran are the ones that keep us away from the harder sufferings:
“We shall surely make them taste the nearer punishment prior to the greater punishment, so that they may come back.” (32: 21)
To bring us closer to Allah
Another important reason behind worldly sufferings is that these types of things show the human being how weak he is and how needy he is toward his Lord. It is at the time of suffering that we realize there is nothing we can do to solve the problems and we turn to Allah to ask Him for help.
Allah (SWT) mentions this point in the Quran in different verses:
“When distress befalls you at sea, those whom you invoke besides Him are forsaken. But when He delivers you to land, you are disregardful [of Him]. And man is very ungrateful.” (17:67)
Therefore, hardship and suffering cause us to remember that He is the only One who can help us, thus we turn to Him.
Compensation for our sins
According to Islamic teachings, worldly sufferings are also a way by which Allah (SWT) makes up our mistakes and sins. It is narrated from Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) that:
“The sorrows, sicknesses, and sufferings that befall on a believer are the means of wiping away his/her sins by Allah.” [2]
However, sometimes these sufferings are not to compensate for our sins. We have all seen or heard that sometimes some of the very faithful servants of Allah face huge sufferings. These types of suffering according to Islamic teachings is to elevate the spiritual or even the material capacities of human beings.
(Omit any spelling Or typing errors & corrections are welcomed if any)

6 months ago

what do you inspect in time of wars..maybe your husband is member of hamaa.

6 months ago

There is a number of zionists (employees for IDF) who clock in, sit in front of their computers, sign in with different usernames to make it seem like their number is big, and try to sabotage every post made that is  pro-palestine. They try to start fights between different faiths, nonfaiths, countries, cultures. They want to light fires amongst commentators everywhere. Something zionists have been doing for years to control the masses. I am a sufi muslim and i was talking to a very devoted christian last night. Israel doesn't have the christian support at all, except for the crazy evangelicals who have become an embrrassment to christans everywhere.
The truth:

6 months ago

This is truly an unjust world

6 months ago

It's a carnage. The angels didn't and will not come!!! We have been fooled!!! Gaza has fallen. There is only pain and suffering!!! Surrender to the true God only!!!

6 months ago

Abolish ..UN 😂😂😂

6 months ago

Stop war

Safe innocent children, people

6 months ago

Disgrace of the world the real life Voldemort (Biden) is responsible for all of this May Allah swt made him face the same

6 months ago

Free Palestine and Justice for Palestine.

6 months ago

Shame on humanity

6 months ago

The children can thank there parents for supporting a terrorist organisation. This is Allah's punishment

6 months ago

اللهم احفظنافلسطين امين في اماني الله فلسطين امين اللهم أنا نعودبك يهودية

6 months ago

🇵🇸🇵🇸🇵🇸🇵🇸😢😢😢😢 Free free Palestine

6 months ago

Da ihr kein Mitleid mit der Bevölkerung in Gaza habt, so sollte auch mit euch niemand
Mitleid haben.
Auch nicht mit eueren Siedlern, die in Palaestina ständig Land klauen. 😣

6 months ago

Спасите невинных людей 😢

6 months ago

God's wrath will descend too on the oppressors.

Ya Allah , Sons of JACOB who is the son of ISAAC, are killing their brothers, the Sons of ESAU the son of ISAAC.
YA ALLAH help the Palestinians