
Grafana’s AngularJS 10.4 Update: Deprecation Warnings

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AngularJS Deprecation Warnings in Grafana 10.4

AngularJS Deprecation Warnings in Grafana 10.4

Grafana 10.4 introduces some changes related to AngularJS deprecation warnings. AngularJS is a popular JavaScript framework used in Grafana for building user interfaces. However, AngularJS has been deprecated by its creators, and Grafana is in the process of moving away from it to newer technologies.

As a result, Grafana 10.4 includes deprecation warnings related to AngularJS usage. These warnings are meant to alert developers about potential issues with their code and encourage them to migrate to newer technologies as soon as possible.

One of the main deprecation warnings in Grafana 10.4 is related to the use of $scope. $scope is a key component of AngularJS that is used to pass data between controllers and views. However, in newer versions of Angular, $scope has been replaced by components and services. The deprecation warning in Grafana 10.4 encourages developers to refactor their code to use components and services instead of $scope.

Another deprecation warning in Grafana 10.4 is related to the use of ng-controller. ng-controller is a directive in AngularJS that is used to attach controllers to views. However, in newer versions of Angular, the preferred way to attach controllers is through the use of components. The deprecation warning in Grafana 10.4 encourages developers to migrate from ng-controller to components for better performance and maintainability.

Overall, the deprecation warnings in Grafana 10.4 are meant to guide developers in migrating their code away from AngularJS to newer technologies. By addressing these warnings and updating their code, developers can ensure that their Grafana dashboards continue to function smoothly and remain up-to-date with the latest best practices in web development.

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29 days ago

how to fix it

29 days ago

How to fix it?

29 days ago

Would it have been too difficult to have spent an extra 10 seconds to demonstrate a walk through of how to switch to the new method?