Grok 1 Locally: Running the PyTorch Version

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Running PyTorch Version of Grok 1 Locally

Running PyTorch Version of Grok 1 Locally

If you want to run the PyTorch version of Grok 1 locally on your machine, you can follow these steps:

  1. First, make sure you have Python and PyTorch installed on your machine. You can install PyTorch using pip by running the following command:
  2. pip install torch torchvision

  3. Next, clone the Grok repository from GitHub by running the following command in your terminal:
  4. git clone

  5. Navigate to the directory where you cloned the repository and run the PyTorch version of Grok 1 by running the following command:
  6. python run_torch

  7. That’s it! You should now be able to run the PyTorch version of Grok 1 locally on your machine. Enjoy learning deep learning with PyTorch!