GUI Design Using Tkinter | Canvas Widget

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Tkinter GUI | Canvas

Creating a Tkinter Canvas in Your GUI

Tkinter is a popular GUI toolkit for Python, and one of its main features is the ability to create and manipulate canvas objects. A canvas is a blank space where you can draw shapes, text, and images, and it can be a useful tool for creating interactive visualizations and graphic displays in your GUI.

Creating a Canvas in Tkinter

To create a canvas in Tkinter, you first need to import the tkinter module and create a Tkinter window object:

import tkinter as tk
root = tk.Tk()

Next, you can create a canvas object by using the Canvas class:

canvas = tk.Canvas(root, width=800, height=600)

This code snippet creates a canvas object with a width of 800 pixels and a height of 600 pixels, and then packs it into the root window.

Drawing Shapes on the Canvas

Once you have created a canvas, you can draw shapes on it using various methods provided by the Canvas class. For example, you can draw a rectangle on the canvas by using the create_rectangle method:

canvas.create_rectangle(50, 50, 200, 150, fill="blue")

This code snippet draws a blue rectangle with a top-left corner at coordinates (50, 50) and a bottom-right corner at coordinates (200, 150) on the canvas.

Adding Interactivity to the Canvas

You can also add interactivity to the canvas by binding events to canvas objects. For example, you can bind a mouse click event to a rectangle on the canvas to change its color when clicked:

def change_color(event):
canvas.itemconfig(rectangle, fill="red")

rectangle = canvas.create_rectangle(50, 50, 200, 150, fill="blue")
canvas.tag_bind(rectangle, "", change_color)

This code snippet creates a rectangle on the canvas and binds a mouse click event to it. When the rectangle is clicked, its color changes to red.


Using the Canvas class in Tkinter, you can easily create interactive visualizations and graphic displays in your GUI. By drawing shapes and adding interactivity to the canvas, you can create dynamic and engaging user interfaces for your Python applications.