Guida passo passo: Deploy di App Web con Laravel, Vite e Vuejs su Laravel Forge 2/8

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ITA – Laravel Forge | Deploying Web Apps with Laravel, Vite and Vuejs

ITA – Laravel Forge | Deploying Web Apps with Laravel, Vite and Vuejs

Welcome to our step-by-step guide on deploying web apps with Laravel, Vite and Vuejs using Laravel Forge. In this series, we will walk you through the process of setting up and deploying a web application, from start to finish.

Chapter 2: Setting Up Laravel Forge

In this chapter, we will show you how to set up Laravel Forge, a powerful tool for managing and deploying web applications. With Laravel Forge, you can easily manage servers, deploy applications, and monitor performance, all from a simple and intuitive interface.

Step 1: Sign Up for Laravel Forge

The first step is to sign up for a Laravel Forge account. Visit the Laravel Forge website and sign up for an account. Once you have signed up, you will be able to access the Laravel Forge dashboard and manage your servers and applications.

Step 2: Create a New Server

After signing up for Laravel Forge, the next step is to create a new server. In the Laravel Forge dashboard, click on the “Create Server” button and follow the on-screen instructions to set up a new server. You will need to choose a server provider, such as DigitalOcean or AWS, and configure the server settings according to your requirements.

Step 3: Connect Your Git Repository

Once you have set up your server, the next step is to connect your Git repository to your Laravel Forge account. In the Laravel Forge dashboard, go to the “Sites” tab and click on the “Connect to Git Repository” button. Follow the on-screen instructions to connect your Git repository to your Laravel Forge account.

Step 4: Set Up Your Deployment Script

After connecting your Git repository, the final step is to set up your deployment script. In the Laravel Forge dashboard, go to the “Deployment” tab and configure your deployment script according to your project’s requirements. You can specify the deployment branch, run migrations, install dependencies, and perform other tasks as needed.

That’s it! With these steps, you have successfully set up Laravel Forge and are ready to deploy your web application using Laravel, Vite, and Vuejs. In the next chapter, we will walk you through the process of deploying your web application to the server using Laravel Forge.