Hamas denounces the forcible removal of Palestinians within Gaza

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Hamas, the militant group that controls the Gaza Strip, has condemned the recent incident in which Palestinian women were forcefully stripped by security forces at a checkpoint inside Gaza. The incident has sparked outrage and calls for accountability among Palestinians and human rights groups.

The incident occurred at a checkpoint in northern Gaza, where female members of the Palestinian forces allegedly forced women to remove their clothes in public. The women were reportedly searched for mobile phones and personal belongings, leading to public humiliation and indignity.

Hamas, usually known for its strict control over the Gaza Strip, has condemned the incident and called for an investigation into the matter. In a statement, Hamas spokesperson Hazem Qassem said, “Such actions are completely unacceptable and violate the rights and dignity of our people. We will not tolerate any form of abuse or mistreatment towards our citizens, and those responsible will be held accountable.”

The incident has raised concerns about the treatment and rights of Palestinians within Gaza, where Hamas exerts strict control over the population. Human rights groups have also expressed their concern and called for a thorough investigation into the incident.

The stripping of Palestinians at the checkpoint has drawn widespread condemnation, with many Palestinians speaking out against the violation of their rights and dignity. Social media has been flooded with messages of support for the women who were subjected to this humiliating treatment, and calls for accountability and justice.

The incident highlights the ongoing challenges faced by Palestinians living under the control of Hamas in the Gaza Strip. Restrictions on freedom of movement, freedom of expression, and political repression have been a source of contention for many Palestinians, both within Gaza and in the broader Palestinian community.

The condemnation by Hamas of the incident is an important step, but it is crucial that concrete actions are taken to ensure that such violations of human rights do not occur again. The Palestinian authorities must uphold their responsibilities to protect the rights and dignity of all Palestinians and hold those responsible for the incident accountable.

The stripping of Palestinians at the checkpoint is a stark reminder of the importance of respecting the rights and dignity of all individuals, regardless of their background or political affiliation. It is imperative that the voices of those affected by such violations are heard and that justice is served. The international community also has a role to play in holding the Palestinian authorities accountable for ensuring the protection of human rights within the Gaza Strip.

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6 months ago

You know those who have not joined hamas will join now for the aggressions of their families being killed?

6 months ago

Well it answers the question, briefs or boxers. Full cavity search?

6 months ago

Why Allah is not helping Gazans??

6 months ago

I thought it was the FBI after Jan 6th

6 months ago

"Antisemitism is on the rise" they will say. Maybe the world is just starting to NOTICE

6 months ago

Its against the international law

6 months ago

What happened to the idf soldiers that detained sivillians behave this way

6 months ago

Now I believe that war in any country in the world is completely Agreement with USA and others international bodies in the world 🌎 which means profit making.

6 months ago

Nazis stripped Jews in WWII …NAZionism

6 months ago


Can you clear something out for me, please?

According to a December 7 news report from RTP – the public service broadcasting organisation of Portugal -, Al Jazeera was the first to report this, saying it depicted the "surrender of dozens of Hamas fighters in the Gaza Strip." I haven't found anything anywhere backing this claim by RTP, so could you please tell me if this information is correct?

Thanks in advance!

6 months ago

Its not the first time for IDF I want western ppl to remember.
now don't ask for condemn the resistance.
Free Palestine.
فلسطين حرة
غزه العزه

6 months ago

That is why Russia do not trust American and Europeans .Russia did not bombed Schools, Hospitals, Civilians in Ukraine but American and Europeans are crying..

6 months ago

Looks like how the Nazis took the Jews…

6 months ago


6 months ago


6 months ago

What do you think Hamas would do to IDF prisoners come one people wake up

6 months ago

It’s a war

6 months ago


6 months ago

Looks like sexual assault to me

6 months ago

Thier actions show their behaviour which led Hitler to show the cruelty to them.