Hamas leader meets with Israeli hostages amidst ceasefire violations | LiveNOW from FOX

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Amid ceasefire violations, Hamas leader meets with Israeli hostages

In a surprising turn of events, the leader of Hamas, Ismail Haniyeh, met with Israeli hostages who are being held captive in the Gaza Strip. This meeting comes at a time when tensions between Israel and Hamas have been escalating, with numerous ceasefire violations and cross-border attacks.

The meeting, which took place in an undisclosed location, was facilitated by mediators from Egypt and the United Nations. The goal of the meeting was to discuss the conditions of the hostages and explore potential avenues for their release.

This development has come as a shock to many, as it is rare for the leader of a militant group like Hamas to directly engage with hostages from the opposing side. It signals a potential shift in the dynamics of the ongoing conflict between Israel and Hamas.

The meeting also comes at a critical time, as both sides have been struggling to maintain the fragile ceasefire that was brokered by Egypt last year. In recent weeks, there have been multiple incidents of rocket fire from Gaza into Israel, prompting retaliatory airstrikes from the Israeli military.

The situation has led to a humanitarian crisis in Gaza, as the blockade imposed by Israel has severely limited access to essential goods and services for the Palestinian population. The meeting between Haniyeh and the Israeli hostages suggests a potential opening for dialogue and negotiation, which could lead to a reduction in hostilities and an improvement in the living conditions of Gazans.

The international community has been closely monitoring the situation, with many expressing cautious optimism about the potential for progress towards a lasting peace. The United Nations has called for all parties to show restraint and work towards de-escalation, while also urging the immediate release of all hostages held in the region.

LiveNow from FOX will continue to provide updates on this developing situation, as it has the potential to have a significant impact on the ongoing conflict between Israel and Hamas. The meeting between Haniyeh and the Israeli hostages could be a pivotal moment in the efforts to achieve a lasting and sustainable peace in the region.

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6 months ago

It blows my mind how stuipd we are 😂 and people wonder why terrorist groups exsit we live in a joke of a world 🌎

6 months ago

I think they breaked the record for saying Hamas 😅
Lost count lol

6 months ago

Well to all Democratic & Liberal Constituents, if you still think Republicans are a Threat to Democracy, then what do you Think about the D.N.C. Taking away the Primary in Florida and giving the Delegates to Biden?
Where did your Choice Go?
This is UnConstitutional!

6 months ago

stop with the unfairness and unjustness of broadcasting the news regarding this issue, be a proud journalist without being fed by money.

6 months ago

Don’t trust no Palestinians , they are Hamas’ see how they’ve trained those teenagers to be murderer and career Criminals

6 months ago

The only threats are israhell pro in killing kids and UShell pro in destroying countries with no reason.

6 months ago

IDF are experts in lying terrorists Israel Zionists

6 months ago

You lairs…….no matter how much you manipulate the truth, the same lie will chase you to your distruction

6 months ago

Gaza being a lingering threat not Hamas funny how that works and the people incarcerated in the prison are held there with out charge

6 months ago

They murdered her parents and siblings right in front of her

6 months ago

Isreali terrerist army organization IDF 😂😂😂😂

6 months ago


6 months ago


6 months ago

6 months ago

In truth, Israel – IDF are unleashing a “text-book case of genocide” unfolding in Gaza says Craig Mokhiber, former U.N.. High Commissioner for Human Rights. Of the New York office, USA.

In his resignation letter says “In Gaza, civilian homes, schools, churches, mosques, and medical institutions are wantonly attacked as thousands of civilians are massacred. In the West Bank, including occupied Jerusalem, homes are seized and reassigned based entirely on race, and violent settler pogroms are accompanied by Israeli military units. Across the land, Apartheid rules….What’s more, the governments of the United States, the United Kingdom, and much of Europe, are wholly complicit in the horrific assault. Not only are these governments refusing to meet their treaty obligations 'to ensure respect' for the Geneva Conventions, but they are in fact actively arming the assault, providing economic and intelligence support, and giving political and diplomatic cover for Israel’s atrocities,” unquote.

Truth is important. In truth Israel forces are steeped with years of head turning injustice, war crimes with immoral Unchristian values. There are many more upright citizens and organizations who testify of these truths. You can help right this. Please do your research. Real facts are in fact, the truth.

6 months ago

I was reading about a hostage called Deborah Cohen this morning. She was talking about her 12yr old nephew when she said, "When he arrived in Gaza, all of the residents, all of them, beat him up. He's a 12-year-old child". I did the maths and it meant he’d taken about 2 million blows to his body. He is one tough kid (or she's a lying bastard).

6 months ago

there was a video of a child released by IDF who did he kill or try to kill

6 months ago

IDF also violated the agreement, they also killed many Palistine people during the ceasefire.

6 months ago


6 months ago

HAMAS are savages.