Hamas Misjudged Support in War with Israel

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Hamas, the militant Palestinian group that governs the Gaza Strip, recently found itself in the midst of a conflict with Israel that has resulted in significant destruction and loss of life. However, one major miscalculation on the part of Hamas has been the underestimation of who would stand by their side in this latest bout of hostilities.

For years, Hamas has been engaged in a longstanding conflict with Israel, often resorting to violence and launching rockets into Israeli territory. The latest escalation in violence erupted after weeks of clashes in Jerusalem, which reignited long-standing tensions between the two sides.

In response to Hamas’ rocket attacks, Israel launched a massive military campaign targeting Hamas and other militant groups in the Gaza Strip. The conflict has resulted in hundreds of casualties on both sides, with countless buildings and infrastructure destroyed.

What Hamas didn’t anticipate, however, was the lack of support they would receive from their traditional allies in the region. Countries like Egypt and Saudi Arabia, who have previously been sympathetic to the Palestinian cause, have largely remained silent or have openly condemned Hamas for provoking the conflict. Even Iran, a longtime financial and military backer of Hamas, has been relatively muted in its support.

This lack of international support has left Hamas isolated and vulnerable, with limited options to de-escalate the conflict. The group’s miscalculation of who would stand by their side has left them in a precarious position with few allies to turn to for assistance.

Additionally, the conflict has strained relations between Hamas and the Palestinian Authority, which governs the West Bank. The PA has been critical of Hamas’ actions, further isolating the group within the Palestinian leadership.

The escalating violence has also drawn condemnation from the international community, with calls for an immediate ceasefire and a return to negotiations. The United Nations and the United States have been working to broker a truce, but without the backing of key regional players, Hamas may find it difficult to secure a favorable outcome.

Hamas’ miscalculation in gauging international support has not only left them isolated in the current conflict but has also raised questions about their long-term viability as a political and military force in the region. As the destruction and loss of life continue to mount, Hamas may need to reassess its approach and seek a more diplomatic and inclusive path forward if it hopes to secure a sustainable and peaceful resolution with Israel.

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6 months ago

It's folly to have wisdom where ignorance is bliss you blind heathen fools…as a Jew I find you all rather disgusting and deeply ignoble..you are a disgrace to every decent person alive today…siss man you miscreants..

6 months ago

Hamas, oddly, doesn't seem to realize that no one in the wider Muslim world actually cares at all about the Palestinians (at best) or hates them (at worst). If the idea was that once Israel reacts to the terror attack the other "Islamic brethren" would come to their aid is comically disengaged from reality. Hamas, and Palestinians in general, are certainly fairly useful pawns for other Muslim regimes, but no one is going to inconvenience themselves for the sake of Palestinians.

6 months ago

By 30 June 2023, OHCHR assessed that 90.5% of all civilian deaths were caused by such indiscriminate attack, and that 84.2% of them were recorded in Ukrainian-held territory. El País estimated that by March 2023 the Russian forces were firing at a rate of between 600,000 and 1.8 million shells per month.

Where are all the protests against Russia!
The people of the world are cowards and anti-Semitic that is why!

6 months ago

Not one soiled uniform, all spotless, who are they trying to fool.

6 months ago

Propaganda central!
Trash reporting as usual!😂😂😂

6 months ago

I doubt they calculated anything…

6 months ago

Let there be no palestine

6 months ago

Hamas unjustly killed Israeli women and children, why should it be any different of what happens to Hamas?

6 months ago

That’s what happens when taking information from Russia and Iran lol

Look at the state of Russia right now because of the miscalculation

6 months ago

Israel is not moved by the worlds negative opinion. They are steady focus to get through this war.

6 months ago

Moronic Ausies.

6 months ago

BOYCOTT USRAEL BRANDS: Domino's Pizza, KFC, Coca Cola, Nestle, Nescafe, Marks & Spencer, Pizza Hut, L'Oréal, PepsiCo, Starbucks, Hewlett Packard, Unilever, Mars, Nike, Papa John's, Burger King, Puma, Carrefour, Ahava, Sodastream, Apple McDonald's…..

6 months ago


6 months ago

You cannot trust Hamas

6 months ago

There is something that I noticed, something no one seems to have assessed: Israel gave Iran an explicit warning. There is a considerable amount of depth to that, both now and in any putative future scenario.

6 months ago

Yemen is attacking commercial ships going to Israel in the Red Sea.

Hezbollah(Lebanon) is literaly attacking Israel

Saudi Arabia has ended normalization with Israel, forcing Biden to go and try to restart it again. It might be dead in the water this time.

Russia is in Syria at the boarder

And Turkey has also made threats

World protests, stirred up by Israels outrageous acts of barbarism, have stirred the BDS movement with strong new life.

Protests over the IDF killing of three jewish hostages have stirred up inside Israel.

The vote at the UN isolated both Israel and the US on the international stage as all other countrys voted against them.

Who indeed Sky News, who indeed. . .

6 months ago

God is with his people of Israel 😊

6 months ago

The Israeli/Hamas war is between people who target innocent civilians and people who respect life and the law and do not target innocent civilians. This war is between terror and civilization.

6 months ago

Australia is opening the floodgate to Palestine doesn't matter no.papers Australia is going to take them how much damage can Labor do before next election

6 months ago

Russia has threatened Israel if they dont stop and has since moved Russian troops to the Syrian Israeli Border near Golan Heights