Hamas Seeks to Stall Israeli Response, Says IDF Spokesperson

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In the ongoing conflict between Israel and Hamas, the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) spokesperson has accused Hamas of using tactics to “play for time” in an effort to prevent Israel from engaging in further military action.

According to the IDF spokesperson, Hamas has been deliberately prolonging the conflict by exploiting international efforts to reach a ceasefire agreement. This tactic, the spokesperson claims, is a strategic move by Hamas to delay and obstruct Israel from taking decisive military action to eliminate Hamas’ terrorist infrastructure.

Hamas, a militant group that controls the Gaza Strip, has been launching rockets into Israel for years, sparking frequent escalations in violence. In response, Israel has conducted airstrikes targeting Hamas’ military installations and leadership.

The recent flare-up in violence began after Hamas fired a barrage of rockets towards Jerusalem, escalating the conflict to a new level. In response, Israel launched Operation Guardian of the Walls, conducting airstrikes on Hamas targets in the Gaza Strip.

Amid international calls for de-escalation and efforts to negotiate a ceasefire, the IDF spokesperson has accused Hamas of exploiting these diplomatic efforts to buy time and prevent Israel from dealing a decisive blow to their capabilities.

The spokesperson has emphasized that Israel has the right to defend itself and its citizens from Hamas’ aggression and that the IDF will continue to take all necessary measures to protect the country.

Furthermore, the spokesperson has warned that Hamas’ attempts to prolong the conflict will only result in further damage to Gaza and its residents. By refusing to accept a ceasefire and continuing to launch rockets at Israel, Hamas is putting civilians on both sides at risk and further perpetuating the cycle of violence.

The IDF’s accusations against Hamas reflect the complex dynamics at play in the ongoing conflict. As international efforts to negotiate a ceasefire continue, Israel is facing the challenge of dealing with a determined adversary that is seeking to exploit diplomatic channels to its advantage.

Despite these challenges, the IDF remains committed to its mission of protecting Israel and its citizens. The spokesperson’s statement serves as a reminder of the difficult choices and strategic calculations that are being made as the conflict continues to unfold. Only time will tell if Hamas’ tactics will succeed in achieving its goals, or if Israel will be able to effectively combat the threat posed by the militant group.

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6 months ago

Who r they praying too ….any help

6 months ago

Does anyone remember Baghdad Bob? This guy (Lt. Col. Jonathan Conriquez) is even worse than Baghdad Bob was! The insidious lies, disinformation, and hate that come out of his mouth is sickening and inhumane. Then again, he is just doing what he is told by the great humanist Israeli government!

6 months ago

Jonathan is very good man and good speech thanks lord

6 months ago

Yes, this is an obvious ploy by hamas . It takes a day at most to get the innocent hostages out and safe, and the aid in to help people. The longer the cessation the more it favours hamas

6 months ago

The Palestinians waving Hamas flags shows that there’s a lot more than a few bad apples

6 months ago


6 months ago

Imagine what he has seen so far 😢😢😢😢

6 months ago

Hamas is building up their arms stockpile…during this pause…

6 months ago

The civilians on gaza 75% hamas

6 months ago

6 months ago

They need to lock these war criminals up and stop giving them airtime.

6 months ago

Let’s hope the criminals released don’t do again the terror crimes they went to prison for.

6 months ago

Dallas Texas. I love Skynews AU!!! I have been searching for 10 years for a good news outlet. I have you alone in my bookmarks for news!

6 months ago

I dont think Israel continuing this war is in anyones interest. I think the only reason there is a pause is world pressure on Israel to stop.
Israel is not in a good position here if it loses American support and I don't think America is as supportive as it was.

6 months ago

Look at that face of an American now wearing an IDF uniform…

6 months ago

The Hamas use all the innocent people as a shield, like they do with their own children. No humanity in them. They are terrorists. Playing for time. Like you said, Jonathan. Absolutely the truth. I honored you and the IDF. Be save. Pray for you all 🙏. Be blessed 🙌

6 months ago

Give this man a third star .

6 months ago

IDF, you got the planes, army, tanks, US money, US bombs, why are you complaining????

6 months ago

Truce because hamas is losing but if they are winning there is no such thing

6 months ago

What the hamas did on 10/07/2023 to the peoples of Israel, the Israeli's have being doing the same things or worse to the Palestinians since the creation of the state of Israel