Handling Angular Material Button Click and Other Events Using TypeScript

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Angular Material Button Click & More Events with TypeScript

Angular Material Button Click & More Events with TypeScript

If you are working with Angular Material and TypeScript, you may want to handle button click events and other events in your application. In this article, we will explore how to do that using HTML tags and TypeScript.

Button Click Event

Let’s start with handling the click event of a button in Angular Material. First, you will need to add the necessary HTML and TypeScript code to your application.


Here’s an example of the HTML code for a simple button in Angular Material:

        <button mat-raised-button (click)="handleButtonClick()">Click me</button>

TypeScript Code

Next, you will need to define the event handler function in your TypeScript code. Here’s an example:

        handleButtonClick() {
          // Do something when the button is clicked

Other Events

In addition to handling button click events, you may also want to handle other events such as mouseover, mouseout, and keydown. Here’s how you can do that using HTML tags and TypeScript.


For example, to handle the mouseover event on a div element, you can add the following HTML code:

        <div (mouseover)="handleMouseOver()">Hover over me</div>

TypeScript Code

Similarly, you will need to define the event handler function in your TypeScript code:

        handleMouseOver() {
          // Do something when the mouse is moved over the div


Handling button click events and other events in Angular Material with TypeScript is straightforward and can be accomplished using HTML tags and TypeScript code. By following the examples in this article, you can easily implement event handling in your Angular Material application.