
Have they revitalized React?

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They made React great again?

They made React great again?

React, a popular JavaScript library for building user interfaces, has always been a powerful tool for front-end development. However, in recent years, some developers have expressed frustration with the complexity and performance issues that can arise when using React in large-scale applications.

But fear not, as a group of dedicated developers have come together to address these concerns and make React great again. Through community-driven initiatives, performance optimizations, and updates to the library, they have successfully improved the overall experience of using React for developers.

One of the key aspects of this effort has been the focus on simplifying the development process and reducing the barrier to entry for new developers. This has been achieved through better documentation, improved tools, and a more intuitive API that makes it easier to build complex user interfaces with React.

Additionally, performance optimizations have been a major focus, with significant improvements made to the rendering engine and virtual DOM implementation. This has resulted in faster load times, smoother animations, and overall better performance in React applications.

Overall, the efforts of these developers have made React a more enjoyable and efficient tool for front-end development. By addressing concerns and making meaningful improvements to the library, they have truly made React great again.

© 2021 The React Team. All rights reserved.

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3 months ago

It's so bizarre to me how one of the deciding factors between which framework is better is a couple lines of code that accomplish the same thing. In other words, being slightly verbose is considered to be a determining factor on which framework is better. Not DX, not architecture, not maintainability, not speed, not build size, not CWVs, but a couple of lines of code.

3 months ago

lmao bazooka hands ahahahah

3 months ago

Just another reason the use the platform. -.-

3 months ago

JavaScript is a doomed language

3 months ago

what happens to nextjs now?

3 months ago

No favouritism in this video 🤣

3 months ago

But using use allows you to use use .. 😅

3 months ago

we need more than 30+ JS frameworks.. 4-5 is just not enough..

3 months ago

remember when no compiler was a selling point. "It's just javascript"

3 months ago

say "use" again.

3 months ago

angularization alert

3 months ago

Great, now I can continue to be a React fanboy with no regrets.

3 months ago

Please no Angular has the rule-‘‘em all from framework

3 months ago

still shit

3 months ago

As short and concise as it is, this is only channel I really understood the new features in react 19.

3 months ago

I dry heaved at the idea of Angular being the one frame work. I'd rather go to jquery.

3 months ago

Angular <3
I guess I watched whole video just for the end statement (angular) 😛

3 months ago

we still wait the next js one 🙂

3 months ago

Bring back Google Closure Compiler

3 months ago

React is soon gonna be is the Capitan America of JS