HEXCENT Event Management Project: Django Tutorial for Malayalam Language- Part 3

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Welcome to part 3 of our event management project series using Django. In this tutorial, we will continue building our event management application and focus on implementing various features and functionalities.

Event Management Application Features

Our event management application will have the following features:

  • User authentication and registration
  • Event creation and management
  • Event booking and ticketing
  • Payment processing
  • Event messaging and notifications

Implementation Details

In this part of the tutorial, we will work on implementing the event creation and management feature. Users will be able to create new events, add details such as event name, description, date, time, location, and ticket price. They will also be able to edit and delete existing events.

We will use Django’s built-in forms and models to create the necessary functionalities for event management. We will also integrate user authentication to ensure that only authenticated users can create, edit, and delete events.

Next Steps

Stay tuned for the next part of the tutorial, where we will work on implementing the event booking and ticketing feature. This will allow users to book tickets for events and make payments online.

Thank you for following along with our event management project tutorial. Feel free to reach out to us at HEXCENT if you have any questions or need assistance.