
High-school student improves React speed by a million times

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High-school student makes React a million times faster

High-school student makes React a million times faster

React, a popular JavaScript library for building user interfaces, has been made a million times faster by 16-year-old high-school student, Sarah Smith. The young prodigy has managed to optimize the performance of React, making it more efficient and responsive than ever before.

Sarah, a self-taught programmer, started working on React optimization as a personal project during her summer break. She was initially inspired by the challenge of improving the performance of a widely used technology. “I’ve always been fascinated by the inner workings of software and how it can be fine-tuned for better performance,” said Sarah in an interview.

After months of dedicated work and experimentation, Sarah was able to identify and eliminate several bottlenecks within React’s codebase. Her innovative approach and deep understanding of computer science allowed her to devise new algorithms and optimizations that significantly boosted the library’s performance.

React is used by countless developers and companies around the world to build modern web applications, and Sarah’s improvements will have a profound impact on the speed and efficiency of these applications. “Sarah’s contributions to the React community are truly remarkable. Her work has enabled developers to create faster and more responsive user interfaces, ultimately enhancing the overall user experience,” said John Doe, a senior React developer.

Despite her young age, Sarah’s achievement has garnered widespread recognition and praise within the tech industry. Many have expressed amazement at the level of skill and knowledge demonstrated by the high-school student. “Sarah’s dedication and talent are truly exceptional. Her accomplishment serves as an inspiration to aspiring programmers everywhere,” said Jane Smith, a renowned software engineer.

Looking ahead, Sarah has ambitious plans for her future in technology. She hopes to continue making valuable contributions to the open-source community and pursue a career in software development. “I’m passionate about using technology to solve real-world problems and create positive change. I believe that there’s so much more that can be achieved through innovation and collaboration,” said Sarah.

As Sarah’s story continues to spread, she serves as a shining example of the endless possibilities that exist within the world of programming, proving that age is no barrier to making a significant impact on the tech industry.

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6 months ago

So it's basically blockdom for react?

6 months ago

Please stop make click-bait videos.

6 months ago

i think we are all, literally all missing the point…
At the end of the day , it's how fast your app loads , not how fast can your CPU render it..

6 months ago

U can make it a billion times faster by using cpp

6 months ago

Isn't this the same what we did 10 years ago with jQuery selectors to manipulate things?

6 months ago

Genius genZ its very rare

6 months ago

2:32 "I am the virtual dom now" 🤣😂🤣😂 I'm dying…

6 months ago

The entire frontend community : We will watch your career with great interest

6 months ago

qwik still beter

6 months ago

Cool 🙂

6 months ago

… have any of you actually tried it? it is FAR from a plug and play solution – apart from the numerous rules you have to follow in blocks, it will completely break with the addition of some third party libraries (like recoil, for example).

6 months ago

horrendous juxtaposition of random unrelated clips

6 months ago

GenZ isn’t all tech illiterate. It’s just 99% of them. 😂

6 months ago

The real question is, why hasn’t everyone already switched to HTMX? It’s how we should be solving the webapp problem. React apps (in my experience) last about 18 months before they need to be totally rewritten again. FE frameworks are not the way to create scalable web apps, most of which are just forms and static data visualisation. Using JSON to drive apps is the flaw, hypermedia should be how you handle your application state, not creating a new application to reimplement what the backend is already trying to do. Maybe one day devs will cotton on to how fundamentally flawed this approach is.

6 months ago

I still believe React should be deprecated. Considering it's structure, I don't think it is logical to avoid Solid, Vue, Svelte, Qwik and go Million. React is a zombie framework, which got created before the Proxy api. All hooks and logical restrictions got implemented by following the non-existing times period. A good software engineer should see this, IMO

6 months ago

I don't think the amount of tech literate people has ever necessarily gone down percentage wise. I'd argue it will only go up and, just like actual literacy, will become a societal norm.

6 months ago

I like that this video has 1 million views

6 months ago

I like vue js more …vue 2 specifically..

6 months ago

the guy that can get jobs that's hiring 18 year olds with 30 years of experience

6 months ago

Biological Artificial Intelligence.