Hints for Additive Synthesis in Differentiable Digital Signal Processing using PyTorch

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CS 372: DDSP PyTorch Additive Synthesis Hints

Differentiable Digital Signal Processing (DDSP) PyTorch Additive Synthesis Hints

If you are working on CS 372 and looking for hints on how to implement additive synthesis using PyTorch in Differentiable Digital Signal Processing (DDSP), you have come to the right place. Additive synthesis is a popular technique in sound synthesis where complex sounds are created by combining multiple sine waves.

PyTorch Implementation

To implement additive synthesis in PyTorch for DDSP, you can start by creating a tensor representing the frequencies, amplitudes, and phases of the sine waves that you want to combine. You can use PyTorch’s functionality to perform element-wise operations on these tensors to generate the waveform.

Hints for Additive Synthesis

  • Use PyTorch’s torch.sin() function to calculate the sine waves.
  • Experiment with different combinations of frequencies, amplitudes, and phases to create interesting sounds.
  • Normalize the output waveform to ensure that it does not exceed the maximum amplitude range.
  • Consider using PyTorch’s autograd functionality to enable backpropagation and training of the additive synthesis model.

Further Resources

If you want to dive deeper into additive synthesis and DDSP in PyTorch, here are some additional resources that may be helpful:

With these hints and resources, you should be well-equipped to implement additive synthesis in PyTorch for DDSP. Good luck with your project!