Hodges: Hamas’s Attack on Israel Achieved in One Day What Putin Couldn’t in Two Years, Says DW News

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The recent Hamas attack on Israel has sent shockwaves throughout the international community, with many experts drawing parallels between the situation in the Middle East and the ongoing conflict in Ukraine. In a recent article by DW News, the author makes the bold claim that the Hamas attack on Israel did in one day what Putin could not do for two years.

The article highlights the stark difference in the response from the global community to the two conflicts. While the conflict between Russia and Ukraine has been ongoing for years, the international response has been largely muted, with economic sanctions and diplomatic talks failing to bring about a resolution. In contrast, the Hamas attack on Israel has sparked a swift and forceful response, with the Israeli military retaliating with airstrikes in Gaza.

The author of the article argues that the stark contrast in the response to the two conflicts can be attributed to the differing perceptions of the parties involved. While Russia is seen as a powerful and influential player on the global stage, with the ability to flex its military muscle and influence geopolitics, Hamas is viewed as a non-state actor with limited capacity to wage war.

The article also delves into the complex history of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, highlighting the deep-seated animosity and the seemingly never-ending cycle of violence and retaliation. The author argues that the international community’s response to the Hamas attack on Israel is indicative of the global consensus that the Israeli-Palestinian conflict must be resolved, and that a lasting peace is essential for stability in the region.

The article concludes with a call to action for the international community to redouble its efforts to find a peaceful resolution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, in order to prevent further bloodshed and suffering. The author argues that the swift and forceful response to the Hamas attack on Israel demonstrates that when there is political will and concerted effort, even the most intractable conflicts can be addressed and resolved.

In conclusion, the recent Hamas attack on Israel has sparked a swift and forceful response from the Israeli military, leading some to draw parallels between the situation in the Middle East and the ongoing conflict in Ukraine. The article by DW News argues that the international response to the two conflicts highlights the differing perceptions of the parties involved, and calls for renewed efforts to find a peaceful resolution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

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6 months ago

The war was created and financed by the USA. I feel sorry for Ukraine. Here they are the losers!

6 months ago


6 months ago

Far as I'm concerned, Putin is behind the Hamas initiative. Knowing Israel's policy on aggression, Putin has finally killed himself. I promise you, most of these closed door meetings, will be about begging Israel, to exercise restraint. They'll have to be careful though. But they will hit back. Unfailingly.

It's curtains for Putin. 😎

6 months ago

European security should be inclusive of Russia not otherwise.

6 months ago

Where are storm shadows and atacms ? Holding bakhmut ?

6 months ago

Ben Hodges
Is Exactly Right

6 months ago

Is everything wrong with the world Russia’s fault?

6 months ago

No European tax payer will die for Taiwan…

6 months ago

Then we support Ukraine as Israel to do what they want on their own. Why you Germans now switched to helping Israel as they are doing not very nice things. Yes, they have the right to defend themselves but come on!

6 months ago


6 months ago

But it is nothing like the gift to Putin another term of Trump would be.

6 months ago

Keep chasing ghosts.
We wasted 20 years in Afghanistan now Ukraine and Israel.

You have military stocks?

6 months ago

Boris has blood on his hands

6 months ago

Q what are you talking about human right don't have human right here

6 months ago


6 months ago

Just talking nonsense.killers just talking about peace

6 months ago

This huy makes 0 sense 😮

6 months ago

Money and weapons are pointless when you have no one left that’s trained to use them. Ukraine needs lots and lots of soldiers, which the West will rightly refuse to supply. Pointless war, that’s crippled Ukraine.

6 months ago

Does hodges condemn the killings of innocent civilians?

6 months ago

In all honesty most Europeans were against supporting this war as our countries needed the money and Ukraine was always going to lose unless they received one Billion dollars daily for no less than two years, Ukraine is not part of the EU nor is it part of NATO, the funds sent are prolonging the suffering and making the Industrial Military complex richer! It's not about pro Ukraine or Russia its about saving lives.