Hosting an Angular Web App on Amazon EC2 with AL2023 and Nginx Deployment

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Deploying Angular Web App on Amazon EC2 with AL2023 and Nginx

Deploying Angular Web App on Amazon EC2 with AL2023 and Nginx

Amazon EC2 (Elastic Compute Cloud) is a popular cloud computing platform that allows users to deploy and manage virtual servers in the cloud. Angular is a popular front-end framework for building web applications. In this article, we will discuss how to deploy an Angular web app on Amazon EC2 using AL2023 and Nginx.

Step 1: Create an Amazon EC2 instance

First, you need to create an Amazon EC2 instance to host your Angular web app. You can do this by logging into the AWS Management Console, navigating to the EC2 dashboard, and launching a new instance. Make sure to select the appropriate instance type, operating system, and network settings for your application.

Step 2: Install AL2023 on the EC2 instance

AL2023 is a popular open-source web server that is commonly used to serve Angular applications. To install AL2023 on your EC2 instance, you can use the package manager for your chosen Linux distribution (e.g., yum for Amazon Linux, apt for Ubuntu). Once AL2023 is installed, you can start the server and configure it to serve your Angular web app.

Step 3: Install and configure Nginx

Nginx is another popular web server and reverse proxy that can be used to serve Angular applications. You can install Nginx on your EC2 instance using the package manager for your chosen Linux distribution. Once Nginx is installed, you can configure it to serve your Angular web app by creating a new server block in the Nginx configuration file.

Step 4: Deploy your Angular web app

Once you have installed AL2023 or Nginx on your EC2 instance, you can deploy your Angular web app by copying the built files to the appropriate directory on the server. Make sure to configure the server to serve the index.html file as the entry point for your application, and to handle any client-side routing by redirecting requests to the index.html file.

Step 5: Configure security settings

Finally, make sure to configure the security settings for your EC2 instance to ensure that your Angular web app is accessible to your users while remaining secure from potential threats. This may involve setting up a firewall, configuring HTTPS with SSL/TLS certificates, and implementing other best practices for securing your web application.

By following these steps, you can deploy your Angular web app on Amazon EC2 using AL2023 and Nginx, and make it accessible to users on the internet. This approach provides a scalable and reliable hosting solution for your web application, with the flexibility to customize the server configuration to meet your specific needs.

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7 months ago

Hi, Check out the same on
And comment for queries or issues.

7 months ago

thanks a lot for this tutorial 😀

7 months ago

Great content, did you have to change basehref in index.html?

7 months ago

thanks a lot , i have tried many tutorial and articles but can not solve it , thanks man 👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍

7 months ago

Thanks, bro very impressive and help video for me? can you please make a video on flask deployment in same instance for backend purpos

7 months ago

Thanks for the content mate. Very informative.

7 months ago

Great tutorial sir