Hosting and Deploying a Django Website or Project for Free on Render

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How To Host / Deploy Django Website / Project On Render – Free

How To Host / Deploy Django Website / Project On Render – Free

Are you looking to host or deploy your Django website or project for free? Render is a great platform for hosting and deploying web applications, including Django projects. In this article, we’ll walk you through the steps to host your Django website on Render for free.

Step 1: Sign Up for Render Account

First, you’ll need to sign up for a free account on Render. Simply visit their website and click on the “Sign Up” button. Follow the prompts to create your account and verify your email address.

Step 2: Create a New Web Service

Once you have signed up for a Render account, log in to your dashboard. Click on the “New” button and select “Web Service” from the dropdown menu. You’ll be prompted to enter some basic information about your web service, such as the name and the region where you want it hosted.

Step 3: Connect to Your Git Repository

After creating your web service, you’ll need to connect it to your Git repository where your Django project is stored. Render supports integration with GitHub, GitLab, and Bitbucket. Simply follow the prompts to connect your repository to your Render web service.

Step 4: Configure Your Django Settings

Next, you’ll need to configure your Django settings for deployment on Render. This may include updating your database settings, static file storage, and other environment-specific configurations. You can do this by creating a `render.yaml` file in the root of your Django project and specifying the necessary settings.

Step 5: Deploy Your Django Project

Once everything is set up, you’re ready to deploy your Django project to Render. Simply push your code to your connected Git repository, and Render will automatically detect the changes and deploy your project. You can monitor the deployment process from your Render dashboard.

Step 6: Access Your Deployed Website

Once your Django project is deployed, you can access it by visiting the URL that Render has assigned to your web service. You can also configure custom domains and SSL certificates for your website through the Render dashboard.


Hosting and deploying your Django website on Render is a straightforward process, and best of all, it’s free. By following the steps outlined in this article, you can have your Django project up and running on Render in no time.

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6 months ago

Do not forget to Subscribe please

6 months ago

How do you guys configure disks like for media files on render?

6 months ago

Thanks! it was very useful

6 months ago

I tried on my windows machine it kept giving no module fcntl for the gunicorn

6 months ago

believe me, i have watched more than 10000000000 videos in my life, but as boring as yours I never saw !!! you are talking with us or with yourself ?

6 months ago

Thank you very much

6 months ago

works good

6 months ago

Thanks you

6 months ago

hey! static files are not loading on the live server
pls help…….

6 months ago

i have got error ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'job.settings'

6 months ago

thank you thank you! i'm really happy this really works i was trying for almost two days to deploy my website in many hosting sites but this video is the only one that helped me thanks bro

6 months ago

good tut bro

6 months ago

Thanks Mate

6 months ago

Hey thanks a lot it was headche for me to host my django website but with the help from you I did it finally.

6 months ago

Sorry your video is not usefull. render asks for credit card info before making a web service. in addition its free serivice is very very limited.

6 months ago


6 months ago

👍Well Explained

6 months ago

pls make a tutorial of JavaScript for web design

6 months ago

Keep grinding🎉🙌

6 months ago

Thanks G , i was stuck