House Oversight Committee declines Hunter Biden’s proposal for public testimony

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The House Oversight Committee has rejected Hunter Biden’s offer to testify in public, citing concerns over the potential political nature of his testimony.

The son of President Joe Biden had initially offered to appear before the committee to address questions about his business dealings and potential conflicts of interest during his father’s time as Vice President. However, the committee, which is led by Democrats, decided against the offer, stating that it could be seen as a political move to distract from the work of the committee.

This decision comes amid ongoing controversy surrounding Hunter Biden’s business dealings, particularly his position on the board of a Ukrainian energy company while his father was leading the Obama administration’s efforts in the country.

Republicans have long sought to investigate Hunter Biden’s business dealings, alleging that they may have influenced his father’s actions as Vice President. However, Democrats have argued that these allegations are politically motivated and have sought to focus on other issues.

In a statement, the committee chairwoman, Rep. Carolyn Maloney, said that the decision to reject Hunter Biden’s offer was made in order to maintain the committee’s focus on its investigative work.

“We will not provide a platform for disinformation about the Bidens’ and will not play a part in the ongoing campaign to undermine the President and the efforts of this Committee to ensure transparency and accountability in government,” Maloney said.

While some Republicans have criticized the decision, arguing that it reflects a lack of transparency and fairness, others have expressed support for the committee’s stance. Rep. Jamie Raskin, a Democrat on the committee, defended the decision, stating that it was important to avoid providing a platform for “political theater.”

The rejection of Hunter Biden’s offer to testify in public is likely to fuel further debate over the issue, with Republicans accusing Democrats of protecting the President’s family and Democrats accusing Republicans of politicizing the issue.

In the meantime, the committee’s investigation into potential conflicts of interest and ethical concerns related to Hunter Biden’s business dealings is likely to continue, with the focus on other witnesses and evidence.

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9 months ago

If the GOP can air their "investigation" publicly then why would they refuse him a public deposition?

9 months ago

Misinform the public like your father has been doing for years

9 months ago

Been waiting for your daily update video all day

9 months ago

Hunter could testify about how he has unprecedented access to everything in the White House even though he’s not an elected official.

9 months ago

Misinform ?
Like Russians helping trump win an election ?
Like COVID killing millions in new York ?
Like telling the joke of bidet winning an election ?
Like that ?

9 months ago

Comer: "We want transparency!"
Hunter: "Okay. I'll testify. And on national television, too."
Comer: "Fine! Gr….wait, what?!"

9 months ago

no proof only in private