House requests Federal Reserve to assess US banks for potential impact of China conflict | Focus on China

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As tensions between the United States and China continue to escalate, the U.S. House of Representatives has called on the Federal Reserve to assess the potential impact of a conflict with China on American banks. The House’s request comes as part of a wider effort to gauge the various ways in which a potential conflict with China could affect the U.S. economy and financial system.

The House’s request to the Fed reflects the growing concern among U.S. lawmakers about the potential fallout from a conflict with China. The two countries have been engaged in a bitter trade war for several years, and recent geopolitical developments have only served to increase tensions between the two global superpowers.

In particular, the House is asking the Federal Reserve to conduct stress tests on U.S. banks to determine how they would fare in the event of a conflict with China. This includes evaluating the potential impact of a disruption in trade and supply chains, as well as an assessment of the vulnerability of U.S. banks to cyber attacks or other threats from China.

The House’s request also underscores the broader fears about the potential economic and financial consequences of a conflict with China. In recent years, China has emerged as a major player in the global economy, and any disruption to its economy would likely have far-reaching implications for the U.S. and the rest of the world.

With this in mind, the House is urging the Federal Reserve to carefully assess the potential risks posed by a conflict with China and to take steps to ensure that U.S. banks are prepared to weather any potential fallout. This includes working with other financial regulators and international partners to develop effective strategies for mitigating the risks associated with a conflict with China.

It’s worth noting that the House’s request comes at a time of heightened concern about China’s growing influence in the global economy. The country’s economic and technological advancements have raised concerns about its potential to challenge the U.S. on the world stage, and the House’s move reflects a desire to address those concerns head-on.

In conclusion, the House’s request for the Federal Reserve to test U.S. banks for the potential fallout from a conflict with China is a clear indication of the growing concern among U.S. lawmakers about the economic and financial consequences of a potential conflict. As tensions between the two countries continue to mount, it’s clear that policymakers are eager to ensure that the U.S. is well-prepared to withstand any potential fallout.

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6 months ago

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6 months ago

Stand up to bully

6 months ago

2 PETER CHAPTER 3.📜✍️✍️✍️
JOHN 3:16👈

6 months ago

There won't be exchange of nuclear, there will be hundreds of US nukes dropping in "other nations". it seems you can't comprehend that none can match US weapons and intelligence in wars. Those wars that the USA decided not to continue was because they just DECIDED not to continue. The USA only decides what is worth or not, but in fact the USA have never lost a single war, they just decided to leave to save money or because they finished testing their plans and new weapons. This is not well known between regular citizens but all countries know this and china knows this. It is simple, China does not count at all. you should be afraid if you live outside the USA. otherwise get you beer and watch the show.

6 months ago

Of course, it's the House. The other is opening up arms towards China hoping for post-Xi era

6 months ago


6 months ago

The Chinese don't like wars. They rattle their swords and bellow like raging bulls but they are averse to wars. Chinese families don't want their sons to be killed in battles.

6 months ago

Why the USA use another nation to make war with another country. USA is an evil they are happy that the natiin will destroy and beg thwm like a god wtf

6 months ago

Taiwan should take more notice of the Russo/Ukrainian war. The US and its allies fought Russia to the last Ukrainian man and when the going got tough they abandoned them. Yes, China has increased its military spending but the last US war budget is still four times that of China. Perspective please!

6 months ago

China repeatedly says it prefers peaceful reunification with Taiwan yet these warmongering videos fail to mention that. It doesn't really matter what foreigners say. Xi won't invade Taiwan. They'd rather sit back and watch the US continue to commit suicide domestically and abroad taking all it's paid for puppets with it, the US is already divided and by no means united at all, it never has been and never will be. How long will the US continue to decimate the state of Palestine and get away with war crimes and crimes against humanity. These news reports are backfiring and this person speaking knows she's already sold her soul to the devil but will have plenty of ex presidents for company in hell. Not even a mention of an apology to China after many disproved theories and accusations, spy balloons for example etc… yet your speculation and proofless accusations continue to spread lies , misinformation and seek to incite hatred bringing the planet closer to nuclear war. Xi knows your provoking battle over Taiwan to have an excuse for war in Asia, why wouldn't he. He's watched and learnt from your history of causing conflicts around the planet over the past two hundred years. Recently in Russia, Afghanistan, Iraq and too many others to mention. Try to count how many times China has done these things, you might be surprised haha. 😅 You could have used those trillions of dollars to feed clothe and house your own suffering drug infested citizens and built an inner wall and an outer wall around your entire country, not to keep people out but to keep you all in and keep everyone outside safe from you haha. Isn't it wonderful of China to use water cannons to show it's presence in the South China sea, man they are so smart, doesn't it make you so jealous, they are being kind to their little brothers of Asia and are actually protecting them. They know the US is trying to get its greedy mits on the oil and natural resources in the South China sea and the rest of Asia and know you want to dictate everyone to follow and live by your double standard form of democracy. Quit lying Tiffany and quit this job here. You may still have a chance to redeem your soul and conscience. Can you not hear all those screaming parents and babies suffering and crying for peace and justice from their shallow graves in the state of Palestine. Ask China for assistance and they will surely move at the drop of a hat. Not the drop of a bomb, and that's guaranteed.

6 months ago

Why does everyone want to die humans are sick

6 months ago

Yep. This is what senile Obiden schemed to make it happen.
He wants to pull everyone down with him while they're working to charge the Obiden family.
Yet, the incompetent and corrupt Congress allowed it to happen. sheesh.
Now the sociopath democrats have a good excuse to avoid impeachments and probably bypass the upcoming election during time of war, forcefully that is.

6 months ago

The world has gone mad since the chinese unleashed the flu

6 months ago

China is Bully stop bullying 😪

6 months ago

Despite the ongoing situation, we still need China as the ally of the Philippines for further good governance, industrialization and world peace.

6 months ago

American Weakness because of leadership!

6 months ago

Why China always stir up things and always on offense while others is on defend .

6 months ago


6 months ago

This is my theoretical statement about current global events and their potential consequences:

1. Europe want to stop the immigration of Islam into their territory to decrease the likelihood of terrorist attacks in the future.

2. Saudi Arabia and Iran have reconciled, leading to the unity of West Asia. Their attitude towards the NATO alliance and EU is one of wariness.

3. Putin is using West Asia to escape from his war crime.
It is a demonstration to the world that a powerful country with access to oil can invade another country and annex its territory without facing serious consequences for its actions…
It seems like Xi Jinping likes Putin's wise actions, and some people think that Xi might copy Putin's actions in Indo-Pacific region.

4. If the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) under the leadership of Xi Jinping do not stop their aggressive actions in the South China Sea and Indo-Pacific region, it is not impossible that World War III could occur.

6 months ago
