Houthis Make Threats Against Israel and U.S. Warships as Yemenis Applaud Hijacking of ‘Israeli Ship’

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The Houthi rebels in Yemen have issued a chilling threat to Israel and the United States, following the recent hijacking of an “Israeli ship” in the Red Sea. The rebels warned that they would not hesitate to target Israeli and American warships in the region, in response to the ongoing conflict in Yemen.

The recent hijacking of the “Israeli ship” has raised tensions in the region, with Yemenis praising the bold move by the Houthi rebels. The rebels have been engaged in a years-long conflict with the Saudi-led coalition, which has led to a devastating humanitarian crisis in Yemen.

The threat to Israel and the United States comes as no surprise, given the Houthi rebels’ longstanding animosity towards both countries. The rebels have repeatedly accused the United States of supporting the Saudi-led coalition in Yemen and have called Israel an “enemy state” that is complicit in the suffering of the Yemeni people.

The hijacking of the “Israeli ship” is seen as a bold move by the Houthi rebels to send a message to their adversaries in the region. It is also a sign of the rebels’ growing confidence in their ability to challenge the status quo and assert their presence in the Red Sea.

The threat to target Israeli and American warships in the region is a cause for concern, as it could escalate the conflict and lead to further instability in the already volatile region. The United States has a significant military presence in the Red Sea, and any direct confrontation with the Houthi rebels could have serious implications for regional security.

Israel, for its part, has expressed concern over the Houthi threat and has called for international action to address the situation. The Israeli government has warned that any attempts to target Israeli ships or interests in the region would be met with a swift and forceful response.

The hijacking of the “Israeli ship” and the Houthi rebels’ threat to Israel and the United States highlight the complex and dangerous dynamics at play in the Red Sea region. The ongoing conflict in Yemen has already resulted in widespread suffering and displacement, and any further escalation could have catastrophic consequences for the civilian population.

It is imperative for the international community to redouble its efforts to find a peaceful and sustainable solution to the conflict in Yemen. The Houthi rebels’ chilling threat to Israel and the United States only underscores the urgency of ending the violence and addressing the root causes of the conflict.

As tensions continue to simmer in the region, it is crucial for all parties to exercise restraint and work towards a diplomatic resolution to the crisis. The hijacking of the “Israeli ship” and the Houthi rebels’ threat should serve as a wake-up call for the international community to prioritize the pursuit of peace and stability in the Red Sea region.

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6 months ago

wala mabdan wallah an altaarikh lan yarham kulu man takhadhaluu fi aldifae ean filastin 🇵🇸 🇾🇪❤️

6 months ago

After gaza yemen next?

6 months ago

Next is this😅

6 months ago

The fat American Jew with his hands up

6 months ago

Evils doesn"t stop at their ambitions ,they will never win they fear the opponent by their nonesense talk,too much barking keep barking and barking lolll funny funny

6 months ago


6 months ago

Thats awesome! How much are tickets! Turn it into a cruise ship! Add slides & inground pool! Make the parking deck below $20,000 per night rooms. 😊

6 months ago

Weldon Welcome Weldon Welcome huthies

6 months ago

Chilling threat , what a Joke. Ask Somalian pirates how well they faired with US Navy ? 🇺🇸💪

6 months ago

Who decides these things?this is the way of the world.

6 months ago

Fuck your evil god allah

6 months ago

Was the ship loaded?

6 months ago

Galaxy Leader has a new leader.

6 months ago

الحمد اللة المهم اصلا محمد وعلىآله وصحبه أجمعين السلام عليكم ورحمةاللة وبركاته

6 months ago

2:12 interviewing infront of aiming 50 caliber? These people are ridiculous.

6 months ago

this people are funny they dont understand what they doing they just follow orders to idiot leader

6 months ago

Anyone could take over a ship. These people who work on them are unarmed and civilian members of the public. 😂😂

6 months ago

These people are like the Taliban

6 months ago

I had this on my PSIV but grew tired of it quickly.

6 months ago

The Messenger of Allah (saw) said, ’The best of men are the men of Yemen, belief is Yemeni and I am Yemeni…’ [Ahmad].