How to Close Other Files/Tabs in VSCode Using For Loops in JavaScript for Web Development in the Black Tech Community with Plan2Code

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In this tutorial, we will be discussing how to close other files or tabs in Visual Studio Code using a for loop in JavaScript. This is a useful feature for web developers who work with multiple files and tabs open in their code editor. By using this method, you can easily close all other tabs except the one you are currently working on, helping you stay organized and focused.

Step 1: Setting up Visual Studio Code
First, make sure you have Visual Studio Code installed on your computer. If you don’t have it installed, you can download it from the official website. Once you have installed Visual Studio Code, open it up and create a new project or open an existing one.

Step 2: Creating the JavaScript file
Next, create a new JavaScript file in your project. You can do this by right-clicking on the project folder in the sidebar and selecting "New File". Name the file something like closeOtherTabs.js.

Step 3: Writing the JavaScript code
Now, open the closeOtherTabs.js file and start writing the JavaScript code. We will be using a for loop to close all other tabs except the one we are currently working on. Here’s the code:

const vscode = acquireVsCodeApi();

function closeOtherTabs() {
    command: 'closeOtherTabs'


In this code snippet, we are using the acquireVsCodeApi function to get access to the VS Code API. We then define a function called closeOtherTabs that sends a message to VS Code to close all other tabs. Finally, we call the closeOtherTabs function to execute the code.

Step 4: Setting up the event listener
Now, we need to set up an event listener in Visual Studio Code to listen for the message we are sending from the JavaScript code. Add the following code to your extension.js file:

// Create a webview panel
const panel = vscode.window.createWebviewPanel(
    'Close Other Tabs',

// Handle messages from the webview
panel.webview.onDidReceiveMessage(message => {
    switch (message.command) {
        case 'closeOtherTabs':

In this code snippet, we are creating a webview panel in VS Code and setting up an event listener to handle messages sent from the JavaScript code. When the closeOtherTabs message is received, we execute the workbench.action.closeOtherEditors command to close all other tabs.

Step 5: Testing the code
Now that we have completed the setup, it’s time to test the code. Save all your files in Visual Studio Code and open multiple tabs. Then, run the closeOtherTabs.js file by right-clicking on it in the sidebar and selecting "Run Code". You should see all other tabs close except the one you are currently working on.

In this tutorial, we have discussed how to close other files or tabs in Visual Studio Code using a for loop in JavaScript. This is a useful feature for web developers who work with multiple tabs open in their code editor. By following the steps outlined in this tutorial, you can easily close all other tabs except the one you are currently working on, helping you stay organized and focused in your coding projects.

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