How to Create a Custom Dialog Box in Python Using Tkinter (#python) Part 12 | Tkinter Tutorial Series (#python)

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In this tutorial, we will learn how to create a custom dialog box in Python using the Tkinter library. Tkinter is a built-in GUI library in Python that allows us to create various GUI elements such as buttons, labels, menus, etc. Creating a custom dialog box can be useful when we want to display a message or get input from the user in a more interactive way than the default message boxes provided by Tkinter.

To create a custom dialog box, we will create a new Toplevel window in Tkinter and add the required elements such as labels, entry fields, buttons, etc. We will then define functions to handle the user’s input and perform the desired actions. Let’s get started!

Step 1: Import the necessary modules
First, we need to import the Tkinter module along with other required modules. Open your Python editor and import the necessary modules as shown below:

import tkinter as tk
from tkinter import messagebox

Step 2: Create a main window
Next, we will create a main window using the Tk() constructor and add a button to open the custom dialog box. Add the following code to create the main window:

root = tk.Tk()

def open_dialog_box():
    # Function to open the custom dialog box
    dialog_box = tk.Toplevel(root)
    dialog_box.title('Custom Dialog Box')

    # Add dialog box elements here

# Add button to open dialog box
btn_open_dialog = tk.Button(root, text='Open Dialog Box', command=open_dialog_box)


Step 3: Add elements to the dialog box
Now, let’s add elements to the custom dialog box such as labels, entry fields, buttons, etc. We will also define functions to handle the user’s input and perform actions accordingly. Add the following code inside the open_dialog_box() function:

def handle_submit():
    # Function to handle the user's input
    name = entry_name.get()
    messagebox.showinfo('Message', f'Hello, {name}!')

# Add elements to dialog box
label_name = tk.Label(dialog_box, text='Enter your name:')

entry_name = tk.Entry(dialog_box)

btn_submit = tk.Button(dialog_box, text='Submit', command=handle_submit)

Step 4: Finalize the custom dialog box
Finally, let’s add some finishing touches to the custom dialog box such as setting the window title and geometry. You can customize the appearance and functionality further based on your requirements. Run the program and click the "Open Dialog Box" button to see the custom dialog box in action.

# Set dialog box title and geometry
dialog_box.title('Custom Dialog Box')

Congratulations! You have successfully created a custom dialog box in Python using the Tkinter library. You can further enhance the dialog box by adding more elements, styling it with colors and fonts, and adding more functionality based on your requirements. I hope you found this tutorial helpful and informative. Thank you for reading!