How to Create a Layout File for a Quiz App using Laravel Vue Js and Inertia Js – Episode 7

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Creating layout file – Quiz App | Laravel Vue Js, Inertia Js | Episode 7

Creating layout file – Quiz App

Laravel Vue Js, Inertia Js | Episode 7


In this episode, we will be creating a layout file for our Quiz App using Laravel Vue Js and Inertia Js. A layout file is a critical part of any web application as it determines the overall look and feel of the app. It also helps in maintaining consistency in the design and structure of the application.

Step 1: Setting up the project

Before we start creating the layout file, make sure you have set up the Quiz App using Laravel Vue Js and Inertia Js. If you haven’t done so, please refer to the previous episodes for the setup process.

Step 2: Creating the layout file

To create the layout file, navigate to the resources/views/layouts directory in your Laravel project. Here, you can create a new file named app.blade.php. This file will serve as the main layout file for the application.

The layout file can contain the common HTML structure such as header, footer, navigation bar, etc. You can also include the main content section using a yield or slot directive, which will be filled dynamically based on the current page.

Step 3: Integrating the layout file

Once the layout file is created, you can integrate it with your Vue Js components using the Inertia Js. In your Vue components, you can specify the layout file to use by adding a layout property to the page component definition.

For example, if you have a component named Dashboard, you can specify the layout file to use by adding the following code:

export default {
layout: 'layouts/app'

Step 4: Testing the layout

After integrating the layout file, you can test it by navigating to your application and accessing different pages. You should see the layout file being applied consistently across all the pages, providing a unified look and feel to the entire application.


Creating a layout file is an essential step in building a web application. With Laravel Vue Js and Inertia Js, creating and integrating a layout file is a seamless process that helps in maintaining a consistent design and structure throughout the application. In the next episode, we will continue working on the Quiz App by adding more features and functionality.

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6 months ago

very good

6 months ago

Nice Bro!