How to Create a New Page and Call the Search Post API in a Blog Application using Spring Boot and Angular

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Creating New Page & Calling Search Post API

Creating New Page & Calling Search Post API

Welcome to our blog application where we will be discussing how to create a new page and call the search post API using Spring Boot and Angular.

Step 1: Creating a New Page

To create a new page in our blog application, we first need to define the route in our Angular application. We can do this by adding a new component and configuring the routing in our Angular module.


        ng generate component new-page

After creating the new component, we can add the route to the Angular module:

        const routes: Routes = [
            { path: 'new-page', component: NewPageComponent }

Step 2: Calling Search Post API

Once we have created the new page, we can now call the search post API in our Spring Boot backend. This API will allow us to retrieve the posts from the database and display them on the new page in our Angular application.


        public List searchPosts() {
            return postService.getAllPosts();

Now, we can call this API from our Angular component using HttpClient:

            .subscribe((posts: Post[]) => {
                this.posts = posts;

With these steps, we have successfully created a new page in our blog application and called the search post API to display the posts on the page. This demonstrates the integration between Spring Boot and Angular in building a full-fledged web application.
