How to Create a Notify Tag in Angular Using Angular Material UI | Angular 15 Material UI Tutorial

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Angular 15 – Material UI Tutorial

Badge in Angular Material UI

In this tutorial, we will learn how to create a badge using Angular Material UI in Angular 15. Badges are used to display an additional piece of information such as a notification count on an icon or button.

Creating a Notify Badge

To create a notify badge in Angular using Material UI, we can use the <mat-badge> directive. First, we need to import the MatBadgeModule in our Angular module.

import {MatBadgeModule} from '@angular/material/badge';

  imports: [MatBadgeModule],
export class AppModule { }

Once we have imported the MatBadgeModule, we can use the <mat-badge> directive in our HTML template to create a badge. For example:

<button mat-button [matBadge]="5" matBadgeColor="accent" matBadgeSize="small" >

In this example, we have a button with the text “Notifications” and a badge with a count of 5. The badge color is set to “accent” and the size is set to “small”.


Angular Material UI provides a simple and easy way to create badges in Angular applications. By using the <mat-badge> directive, we can easily add notifications and additional information to our application interface. In this tutorial, we have learned how to create a notify badge using Angular Material UI in Angular 15.

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Vijay Kumar
10 months ago

Good Tutorial

Akshara Natural World
10 months ago
