
How to Create a Telegram Bot Using Node.js | By Mikhail Mikhaylov, Software Development Engineer

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Building a Telegram Bot with Node.js | Mikhail Mikhaylov | Software Development Engineer

Building a Telegram Bot with Node.js

By: Mikhail Mikhaylov | Software Development Engineer

Telegram is a popular messaging app with a powerful bot API that allows developers to build and integrate their own bots. In this article, we will discuss how to build a Telegram bot using Node.js, a popular JavaScript runtime.

Getting Started

First, you will need to create a new bot on Telegram by talking to the BotFather. This will give you a token that you will use to authenticate your bot when making API requests. Then, you can use a library like node-telegram-bot-api to interact with the Telegram Bot API in your Node.js application.

Setting Up Your Node.js Project

Start by creating a new Node.js project and installing the node-telegram-bot-api package using npm:

npm init -y
npm install node-telegram-bot-api

Once you have set up your project, you can start writing your bot implementation. You can use the following code as a starting point:

const TelegramBot = require('node-telegram-bot-api');

const token = 'YOUR_TELEGRAM_BOT_TOKEN';
const bot = new TelegramBot(token, {polling: true});

bot.on('message', (msg) => {
const chatId = msg.chat.id;
bot.sendMessage(chatId, 'Hello! This is your Telegram bot.');

Deploying Your Bot

Once you have finished writing your bot implementation, you can deploy it to a server or a platform like Heroku so that it is always running and ready to respond to messages. Make sure to keep your bot token secure and avoid sharing it publicly.

Additional Functionality

Telegram bots can do much more than just respond to messages. You can implement commands, inline keyboards, and more to create a rich bot experience for your users. The Telegram Bot API documentation is a great resource for learning about all the features available to you.


Building a Telegram bot with Node.js is a fun and rewarding way to explore the Telegram Bot API and create your own chatbot. With the power of Node.js, you can quickly and easily create a bot that can interact with users and provide useful functionality. I hope this article has been helpful in getting you started with building your own Telegram bot.

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7 months ago

О я думал только на питоне можно ботов для тг писать