How to Debounce in JavaScript: A guide for CSS, Interview, React, and JavaScript coders

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Debouncing in JavaScript

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Debouncing in JavaScript

Debouncing is a technique used in JavaScript to control the rate at which a function is called. It is commonly used in scenarios such as handling user input in search bars or performing actions based on scroll events.

How Does Debouncing Work?

When a debounced function is called, it creates a timer that delays the execution of the function. If the function is called again before the timer expires, the timer is reset. This prevents the function from being called multiple times in quick succession, which can be especially useful for improving performance and reducing unnecessary function calls.

Implementing Debouncing in JavaScript

Here’s a basic example of how to implement debouncing in JavaScript:

function debounce(func, delay) {
let timer;
return function() {
timer = setTimeout(() => {
func.apply(this, arguments);
}, delay);

// Example usage
const debouncedFunction = debounce(() => {
// Your function logic here
}, 300);

In this example, the `debounce` function takes a function and a delay as parameters and returns a new function that implements the debouncing logic. When the debounced function is called, it sets a timer using `setTimeout` and waits for the specified delay before executing the original function.

Benefits of Debouncing

Debouncing is a powerful tool for managing the frequency of function calls in JavaScript. By using debouncing, you can ensure that your functions are only called when they are truly needed, which can improve the performance and responsiveness of your web applications.


Debouncing is a useful technique for controlling the frequency of function calls in JavaScript. By implementing debouncing, you can improve the efficiency of your code and create a more responsive user experience.