Deploying a Static Website with Vite + TypeScript
In today’s world, creating a static website has become an essential requirement for many businesses and individuals. Whether you want to showcase your portfolio, create an online store or simply provide information to your audience, having a well-designed and functional website is crucial.
In this article, we will explore how to deploy a static website using Vite and TypeScript. Vite is a modern build tool that provides an extremely fast development experience with instant server start and hot module replacement. TypeScript, on the other hand, is a statically typed programming language that brings many benefits to web development including safer code and better tooling.
1. Setting up the Project
To get started, make sure you have Node.js installed on your computer. Then, open up your preferred command line interface and navigate to the directory where you want to create your project.
$ mkdir my-static-website
$ cd my-static-website
Next, initialize a new npm project by running the following command:
$ npm init -y
This will create a new package.json file in your project directory with default settings.
2. Installing Vite
Now that we have our project set up, let’s install Vite as a development dependency. Vite has its own CLI tool that makes it easy to create and run Vite projects.
$ npm install --save-dev vite
Once Vite is installed, we can create our project by running the following command:
$ npx create-vite
This will prompt you to choose a project template. For this tutorial, we will select the “Vanilla” template, which provides a basic setup for a static website.
3. Adding TypeScript Support
By default, Vite supports JavaScript. However, if you want to use TypeScript in your project, you need to install some additional dependencies.
$ npm install --save-dev typescript @typescript-eslint/eslint-plugin @typescript-eslint/parser eslint-plugin-typescript
After installing the dependencies, create a new file named tsconfig.json in the project root directory with the following content:
"compilerOptions": {
"target": "es5",
"module": "esnext",
"strict": true,
"jsx": "preserve",
"importHelpers": true,
"moduleResolution": "node",
"allowSyntheticDefaultImports": true,
"esModuleInterop": true,
"sourceMap": true,
"skipLibCheck": true,
"forceConsistentCasingInFileNames": true
This file specifies the TypeScript compiler options for your project.
4. Building and Deploying
With Vite and TypeScript set up, we can build our static website and deploy it to a hosting provider of our choice. To build the website, run the following command:
$ npm run build
This will create a dist folder in your project directory containing the optimized and minified version of your website.
To deploy your website, you can choose from various hosting providers such as Netlify, Vercel, or GitHub Pages. These providers offer simple and reliable ways to deploy static websites.
Deploying a static website with Vite and TypeScript is a straightforward process that provides excellent developer experience and performance. By leveraging the power of Vite and TypeScript, you can create high-quality and efficient static websites that meet your business or personal needs.
I love you man, in case somebody is having problems with the page not showing , check your browser router routes, you also have to change them if you are using it
Hi, I made a very simple site with typescript and vite. If I write only normal js like "console.log()" to main.ts, then run "npm run build", it was built to main-….js file. But with functions, main-…js became empty. What's wrong?
You're a genius, you're the only one who helped me, thanks
Thank you very much. It has helped me a lot and I am truly grateful for the knowledge I gained.
Thanks.Grt work
Very helpful, thanks.
Great Video, Thanks!
Such a great content! I love the way you present your videos, thank you.
GitHub Pages looks really simple to use with a workflow, will definitely use that if I ever have a fully static site that needs a home 🙂