“How to include Kivy code in Python with Kivy – Lecture 6” #kivy

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How to include Kivy code in Python – Lesson 6

Welcome to Lesson 6 of Python-Kivy!

In this lesson, we will learn how to include Kivy code in our Python applications. Kivy is a powerful open-source Python library for developing multitouch applications. It allows you to create beautiful and highly interactive user interfaces for your Python programs.

Getting Started

Before we can include Kivy code in our Python applications, we need to make sure that Kivy is installed on our system. If you haven’t already installed Kivy, you can do so by following the instructions on the official Kivy website.

Including Kivy Code

Once Kivy is installed, we can start including Kivy code in our Python programs. First, we need to import the necessary Kivy modules in our Python script:

      import kivy
      from kivy.app import App
      from kivy.uix.button import Button

Once the Kivy modules are imported, we can start creating the user interface using Kivy code. Here’s an example of a simple Kivy application that includes Kivy code:

      class MyKivyApp(App):
          def build(self):
              return Button(text='Hello, Kivy!')
      if __name__ == '__main__':

Save the above code in a file named my_kivy_app.py. You can then run the file using Python, and you should see a Kivy window with a button that says “Hello, Kivy!”.


Congratulations! You have successfully included Kivy code in your Python application. Kivy provides a wide range of widgets and tools for creating interactive user interfaces, and with a little practice, you can create stunning applications with ease.