How to Install Flask on Windows 7, 8, 10: A Guide to Setting Up Flask 2023

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Flask is a popular web framework for Python that allows you to build and deploy web applications with ease. Setting up Flask on your Windows system is a fairly simple process, and in this article, we will walk you through the steps to install Flask on Windows 7, 8, or 10.

Step 1: Install Python
Before you can install Flask, you need to have Python installed on your system. You can download the latest version of Python from the official website ( and follow the installation instructions to set it up on your Windows machine.

Step 2: Install pip
Pip is a package manager for Python that allows you to install and manage software packages written in Python. Most likely, pip comes pre-installed with your Python installation. To check if pip is installed, open a command prompt and type the following command:

pip –version

If pip is installed, you will see the version number of the installed pip. If it’s not installed, you can follow the instructions on the official website to install pip (

Step 3: Install Virtualenv (Optional but recommended)
Virtualenv is a tool that allows you to create isolated environments for your Python projects, which can be useful when working on multiple projects with different dependencies. To install Virtualenv, run the following command in the command prompt:

pip install virtualenv

Step 4: Create a Virtual Environment (Optional but recommended)
Creating a virtual environment for your Flask project is a good practice as it helps to keep your project’s dependencies separate from other projects. To create a virtual environment, navigate to your project directory in the command prompt and run the following command:

virtualenv venv

This will create a folder named “venv” in your project directory, which will contain all the necessary files for your virtual environment.

Step 5: Activate the Virtual Environment (Optional but recommended)
Once you have created the virtual environment, you need to activate it to start using it. To activate the virtual environment, run the following command in the command prompt:


You will know that the virtual environment is activated when you see the name of the environment in the command prompt.

Step 6: Install Flask
With your virtual environment activated, you can now install Flask using pip. Just run the following command in the command prompt:

pip install Flask

This will download and install the latest version of Flask along with its dependencies. Once the installation is complete, you can start using Flask to build your web applications.

In conclusion, installing Flask on Windows 7, 8, or 10 is a straightforward process that involves installing Python, pip, and optionally, Virtualenv. By following the steps outlined in this article, you can have Flask up and running on your Windows system in no time, ready to start building web applications.

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9 months ago

The venv activation does not work. There is no "source" in windows shell, or in CMD. Only in Linux. A step is missing somewhere…