
How to Make EJS Templates with Node.js and Express.js, Utilizing Bootstrap 5

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Creating EJS Templates with Node.js and Express.js, Using Bootstrap 5

Welcome to our EJS Templates Tutorial

In this tutorial, we will look at how to create EJS templates with Node.js and Express.js, using Bootstrap 5 for styling.

Step 1: Setting up Node.js and Express.js

First, make sure you have Node.js and Express.js installed on your system. If not, you can install them by running the following commands:

                npm install node
                npm install express

Step 2: Installing EJS

Next, install EJS by running the following command:

                npm install ejs

Step 3: Creating EJS templates

Now, create a new folder for your project and add an “views” folder inside it. In the views folder, create your EJS template files with the extension “.ejs”. For example, you can create a file named “index.ejs” with the following content:

                    <title>Home Page</title>
                    <h1>Welcome to our Website</h1>

Step 4: Setting up your Node.js server

Create a new JavaScript file for your server (e.g., “server.js”) and require the necessary modules:

                const express = require('express');
                const app = express();
                const port = 3000;

                app.set('view engine', 'ejs');
                app.set('views', __dirname + '/views');

                app.get('/', (req, res) => {

                app.listen(port, () => {
                    console.log('Server is running on port ' + port);

Step 5: Running your Node.js server

Run your server by executing the following command:

                node server.js

Step 6: Accessing your website

Open your web browser and navigate to “http://localhost:3000” to see your EJS template in action!


Congratulations! You have successfully created EJS templates with Node.js and Express.js, using Bootstrap 5 for styling. Feel free to customize your templates and explore more features of EJS.