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Run Flask on Android Device

How to Run Flask on Your Android Device

Flask is a popular micro web framework for building web applications using Python. In this article, we’ll explore how to run a Flask application on your Android device.


Before we begin, you’ll need to have a few things set up on your Android device:

  • An Android phone or tablet with access to the Google Play Store
  • A text editor app for editing code (such as QuickEdit or Dcoder)
  • A terminal app for running commands (such as Termux or Server for PHP)

Setting Up Flask

First, you’ll need to install Python and Flask on your Android device. You can do this by opening your terminal app and running the following commands:

pkg install python
pip install flask

Writing Your Flask App

Next, you can use your text editor app to write a simple Flask app. Here’s an example of a basic Flask app that serves a “Hello, World!” message:

from flask import Flask
app = Flask(__name__)

def hello():
    return 'Hello, World!'

if __name__ == '__main__':

Running Your Flask App

Once you’ve written your Flask app, you can save it as a .py file and then run it using the following command in your terminal app:


Accessing Your Flask App

After running your Flask app, you can access it by opening a web browser on your Android device and navigating to You should see the “Hello, World!” message displayed in the browser.


Running a Flask application on your Android device is a great way to test and develop web applications on the go. With the right tools and a little bit of setup, you can start coding and running Flask apps right from your mobile phone.