
How to Set Up NodeJS and NPM on Windows 11

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Install NodeJS and NPM on Windows 11

How to Install NodeJS and NPM on Windows 11

If you’re a developer working on a Windows 11 machine, you may need to install NodeJS and NPM to work on your projects. NodeJS is a JavaScript runtime that allows you to run JavaScript code outside of a web browser, and NPM is a package manager for NodeJS that allows you to easily install and manage dependencies for your projects. In this article, we’ll walk through the steps to install NodeJS and NPM on Windows 11.

Step 1: Download NodeJS installer

First, you’ll need to download the NodeJS installer from the official NodeJS website. Visit https://nodejs.org and click on the “Download” button to download the latest LTS (Long Term Support) version of NodeJS. Once the installer is downloaded, double-click on it to start the installation process.

Step 2: Install NodeJS

Follow the installation wizard to install NodeJS on your Windows 11 machine. You can choose the default settings or customize the installation as per your requirements. Once the installation is complete, you can verify if NodeJS is installed by opening a command prompt and typing node -v to check the installed NodeJS version.

Step 3: Verify NPM installation

By default, NPM is installed as part of the NodeJS installation. You can verify if NPM is installed by opening a command prompt and typing npm -v to check the installed NPM version. If NPM is not installed, you can install it separately by downloading the NPM installer from the official NPM website.

Step 4: Update NPM

It’s a good practice to update NPM to the latest version after installing it. You can do this by running the following command in the command prompt:

npm install -g npm


By following these steps, you can easily install NodeJS and NPM on your Windows 11 machine. Once installed, you can start using NodeJS and NPM to work on your projects and manage dependencies. Happy coding!

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4 months ago

Since this for Windows 11 it can already be assumed the computer has Winget, so you can just use the installation command for each:

Node.js Latest:

winget install –id=OpenJS.NodeJS -e

Node.js LTS:

winget install –id=OpenJS.NodeJS.LTS -e