How to update data in an API using Python | Making an API request to update data

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To make an Update API request in Python, you will need to use the requests library. This library allows you to easily make HTTP requests to APIs and handle response data. In this tutorial, we will walk you through the steps to update data in an API using Python.

Step 1: Install the requests library
Before you can make API requests in Python, you need to install the requests library. You can do this by running the following command in your command line:

pip install requests

Step 2: Import the requests library
Once you have installed the requests library, you need to import it into your Python file. You can do this by adding the following line of code at the top of your file:

import requests

Step 3: Make the Update API request
Now that you have installed and imported the requests library, you can make the Update API request. To do this, you need to use the requests.put method. This method takes two arguments: the URL of the API endpoint you want to update and the data you want to send in the update request.

For example, if you have an API endpoint at and you want to update the data with the following JSON payload:

  "id": 1,
  "name": "John Doe",
  "email": ""

You can make the Update API request like this:

url = ''
data = {
  "id": 1,
  "name": "John Doe",
  "email": ""

response = requests.put(url, json=data)


In this example, we are sending a PUT request to the endpoint with the JSON payload. The json=data parameter automatically converts the data dictionary into JSON format before sending it to the API.

Step 4: Handle the API response
After sending the Update API request, you will receive a response from the API. You can handle this response by accessing the json() method on the response object to convert the response data into a Python dictionary.

You can then extract and use this data in your code as needed. For example, you could print the response data like this:


This will print the response data in the console so you can see the updated data that was returned by the API.

That’s it! You have successfully made an Update API request in Python using the requests library. You can now use this knowledge to update data in any API that supports the PUT method. Experiment with different endpoints and data payloads to explore more functionalities of the requests library.