How to Update React.js Array State Without Mutating It

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Transform React.js array state without mutation

Transform React.js array state without mutation

When working with state in React.js, it’s important to take care when updating arrays to avoid unintentional mutations. Mutating the state directly can lead to unpredictable behavior and bugs. Instead, it’s best to transform the array state without mutation.

Here’s an example of how to update an array state without mutation in React.js:

			import React, { useState } from 'react';

			function App() {
			  const [items, setItems] = useState([1, 2, 3, 4, 5]);

			  // Function to update array state without mutation
			  const updateItems = (index, newValue) => {
			    setItems(prevItems => {
			      // Create a new array with the updated value
			      const newItems = [...prevItems];
			      newItems[index] = newValue;
			      return newItems;

			  return (
    {, index) => (
  • {item} {/* Button to update array item */}
  • ))}
); } export default App; `}

In the example above, the updateItems function is used to update the array state without mutation. It takes the index of the item to be updated and the new value, and then uses the setItems function to update the state with a new array that includes the updated value. This ensures that the original array state is not mutated.

By following this approach, you can prevent unintended side effects and bugs in your React.js applications. It’s always important to handle state updates in a way that ensures the integrity of your data and the predictability of your application’s behavior.