
How to Use GitLab CI/CD to Deploy a Node JS App on AWS EKS | Step-by-Step Guide for Deploying to EKS Using GitLab

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Deploy Node.js App on AWS EKS using GitLab CI/CD

Deploy Node.js App on AWS EKS using GitLab CI/CD

In this tutorial, we will learn how to deploy a Node.js App on AWS EKS (Elastic Kubernetes Service) using GitLab CI/CD (Continuous Integration/Continuous Deployment). GitLab CI/CD allows us to automate the build and deployment process of our applications, making it easier and more efficient to deploy our applications to Kubernetes clusters like AWS EKS.


Before we get started, you’ll need the following:

  • Access to an AWS account with permissions to create and manage EKS clusters.
  • A GitLab account with a repository containing your Node.js App code.
  • A basic understanding of Kubernetes and GitLab CI/CD.


  1. Create an EKS cluster in your AWS account.
  2. Set up a Kubernetes manifest file for your Node.js App.
  3. Create a GitLab CI/CD pipeline configuration file.
  4. Register your AWS EKS cluster as a Kubernetes cluster in GitLab.
  5. Configure the GitLab CI/CD pipeline to build and deploy your Node.js App to the AWS EKS cluster.


Deploying a Node.js App on AWS EKS using GitLab CI/CD is a powerful way to automate the deployment process of your applications to Kubernetes clusters. By following the steps outlined in this tutorial, you can streamline your deployment workflow and ensure that your applications are consistently and reliably deployed to your EKS cluster.


For more information on deploying to EKS using GitLab CI/CD, refer to the official GitLab documentation and AWS EKS documentation.