How to Use OAuth 2.0 Authorization Code Flow with Authlib in Python Flask Web Applications for Single Sign-On

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Implement OAuth 2.0 Authorization Code flow using authlib in python flask web apps | Single Sign On

Implement OAuth 2.0 Authorization Code flow using authlib in python flask web apps | Single Sign On

OAuth 2.0 is an authorization framework that allows third-party services to obtain limited access to an HTTP service, either on behalf of a resource owner or by allowing the third-party application to obtain access on its own behalf.

Implementing OAuth 2.0 Authorization Code flow in a Python Flask web app can be achieved with the help of the authlib library. This library provides a simple way to implement OAuth 2.0 authorization flows into your web application.

One of the most common authorization flows used in OAuth 2.0 is the Authorization Code flow. This flow involves the user being redirected to the authorization server, where they will log in and grant permission to the client application. Once permission is granted, the authorization server will redirect the user back to the client application with an authorization code. The client application can then exchange this code for an access token to make requests to the protected resource.

By implementing OAuth 2.0 Authorization Code flow in your Flask web app, you can provide Single Sign On functionality to your users. This allows them to log in to multiple applications with just one set of credentials, improving user experience and security.

To get started with implementing OAuth 2.0 Authorization Code flow using authlib in Python Flask web apps, you can follow the steps outlined in the authlib documentation. This will guide you through setting up the authorization server, client application, and handling the authorization flow.

With the power of OAuth 2.0 and the simplicity of authlib, you can easily implement Single Sign On functionality in your Flask web app, offering a seamless and secure authentication experience to your users.

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2 months ago

Very nice video and well-paced with testing along the way. I got mine working exactly as you described and is massive time saver. Thanks for this 👍

2 months ago

Why would we want the user to manually log in? Isn’t the entire point of oauth to have the credentials automatically verified (SSO)?

2 months ago

Great toturial for Keycloak OAuth2 Authorization Code, but next time please upload code to somewhere so we can easy on impliment.

2 months ago

Really nice vide and explanation. It is rear to see such video!!!

2 months ago

Great video man, very clear explanation …keep it up