
How to use the Microsoft Graph API to create an Azure AD app, obtain an access token, and call APIs with app permissions

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Microsoft Graph API Tutorial

Microsoft Graph API Tutorial: Creating Azure AD App, Access Token, and Calling APIs (App Permission)

Microsoft Graph is a comprehensive framework for building intelligent solutions across various Microsoft products and services, and it provides a single endpoint to access the data, intelligence, and insights from Microsoft 365 and Azure Active Directory.

Creating an Azure AD App

To get started with Microsoft Graph API, the first step is to create an Azure AD App in the Azure portal. This app will represent the identity of your application and grant permissions to access Microsoft Graph API resources.


<title>Creating Azure AD App</title>
<p>To get started with Microsft Graph API...</p>


Access Token

After creating the Azure AD App, the next step is to obtain an access token. This token will be used to authenticate and authorize the application to access Microsoft Graph API resources.


<title>Access Token</title>
<p>After creating the Azure AD App, the next step is to obtain an access token...</p>


Calling APIs (App Permission)

Once you have obtained the access token, you can use it to call various Microsoft Graph API endpoints. When making calls to the API, you will need to specify the app’s permissions in the request headers to ensure that the app has the necessary privileges to access the requested resources.


<title>Calling APIs (App Permission)</title>
<p>Once you have obtained the access token, you can use it to call various Microsoft Graph API endpoints...</p>


In this tutorial, we have covered the basic steps for getting started with Microsoft Graph API, from creating an Azure AD App to obtaining an access token and calling APIs with app permissions. With these fundamentals in place, you can now explore and leverage the rich capabilities of the Microsoft Graph API to build powerful and intelligent solutions.

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sai meghana
7 months ago

How to implement SSO with graph api, i am creating meetings, i want users to login in once and never login again to join the meeting.
Kindly please need some help with this.

Anish Bishnoi
7 months ago

can we do without the graph api ? like i want to access the share point list data with the access token . so how can i get the acess token and how can i via that's access token get the sharepoint list data. without graph api calls. is it possible via simple rest api calls or etc please if you know then let me know the process.

7 months ago

Granting permission, depends on your role . If you are just an user, your app permission will be granted by someone with higher privileage. Check documentation for more information. In this video, he has required privilage to grant himself the new permission and this wont be the case with everyone.

RIfat Yusuf
7 months ago

Hey can you please help me ? , I'm trying to integrate with node/express server and react frontend , I am getting the access token from my codebase, but unable to create meetings

Maneesh Vadlamudi
7 months ago

This is really helpfull. Thanks alot!!