
HTMX – Web Development Fun-damentals Episode 2

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HTMX – Web Development FUNdamentals Ep. 2

HTMX – Web Development FUNdamentals Ep. 2

Welcome back to our Web Development FUNdamentals series! In this episode, we will be diving into the world of HTMX – a powerful tool for enhancing user experience on your website.

What is HTMX?

HTMX is a library that allows you to add dynamic behavior to your website without having to write a lot of JavaScript code. It is built on top of the Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) and is designed to make web development faster and more efficient.

How does HTMX work?

HTMX works by allowing you to define certain elements on your website as “dynamic” using HTML attributes. These elements can then be updated or replaced with new content without having to reload the entire page.

Benefits of using HTMX

  • Improved user experience
  • Faster page load times
  • Reduced server load
  • Easier to maintain and update your website

Getting started with HTMX

To get started with HTMX, you can include the library in your project using a CDN or by downloading it directly from the HTMX website. Once you have included the library in your project, you can start adding dynamic behavior to your website using the HTMX attributes.

Example usage of HTMX

<button hx-get="/api/data" hx-swap="outerHTML" hx-target="#content">Load Data</button>

<div id="content"></div>

In this example, clicking the button will trigger an HTTP GET request to the specified endpoint (/api/data) and replace the content of the specified element (#content) with the response data.


HTMX is a powerful tool for enhancing user experience on your website without having to write a lot of JavaScript code. By using HTMX, you can make your website more dynamic, responsive, and interactive. We hope you have enjoyed learning about HTMX in this episode of Web Development FUNdamentals!

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3 months ago

Video starts @ 1:50
Introduction to HTMX starts @ 3:25
Coding starts @ 13:40