Human rights lawyer predicts Israel’s loss in genocide case at The Hague, says LBC

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A human rights lawyer has boldly predicted that Israel will lose a genocide case at The Hague, sparking outrage and debate among the international community.

The case in question revolves around the longstanding conflict between Israel and Palestine, with accusations of genocide being leveled against Israel for its treatment of Palestinians.

The lawyer, who has chosen to remain anonymous due to the sensitive nature of the case, stated that there is overwhelming evidence to support the claim of genocide against the Palestinian people. This includes evidence of mass killings, forced displacement, and the destruction of homes and infrastructure in Palestinian territories.

The lawyer also pointed to the recent violence in Gaza, where hundreds of Palestinians were killed and thousands injured during clashes with Israeli forces. The United Nations and other international organizations have condemned Israel for its excessive use of force against civilians.

Despite these clear violations of international law, Israel has staunchly denied the accusations of genocide, arguing that it is merely defending itself against terrorism and protecting its citizens. The Israeli government has also claimed that it is committed to a peaceful resolution to the conflict with Palestine.

However, the human rights lawyer believes that Israel’s defense will not hold up in court and that justice will ultimately prevail. They argue that the evidence is too strong to ignore and that Israel will be held accountable for its actions.

This prediction has sparked controversy and debate, with some supporting the lawyer’s stance and calling for justice for the Palestinian people, while others have criticized the claim as biased and unfair.

As the case unfolds at The Hague, all eyes will be on the outcome and whether Israel will be held accountable for the alleged genocide against the Palestinian people. Whatever the result, this case has reignited the debate over human rights and justice in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, and has brought renewed attention to the plight of the Palestinian people.

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1 month ago

Israel always act as victims

1 month ago

Well screened LBC!! As comment below shows, there seems to be major censorship going on among huge media channels. Can u believe it? More shocks ahead in 2024 I suspect. What a disaster for those that seek the Truth.

1 month ago

Iran has won

1 month ago

European exiled them from European because of their ways, so they found them a land, they arab relatives say, come will share this land with you because you're how brothers and sisters. What happens next? They turned people who actually helped them. Now, this is just history repeating itself. The Europeans exiled them because they practised Judaism, so they practised Catholicism by day and by night Judaism. Now, their leaders have made things worse again for them. If isreal doesn't stop its ways, it will be boxed in, and the West is losing it power over the world, which it actually abused, isreal is living its last days now, because you just created enemies around you.

1 month ago

Idk hiw much i would trust a gut who's gobe full COVID conspiracy theorist and Russia defender

1 month ago

My prediction is the court will dismiss the case. Israel's reach is far and wide. And money talks.

1 month ago

Free Palestine

1 month ago

It is not legal & you all know it

1 month ago

The ICJ did NOTHING to punish South Africa for not arresting political leader wanted by them. So if they intend to force anything on Israel why have they done buggerall to punish Sputh Africa.

1 month ago

That is a long process, in the meantime what do the Palestinian do for now.

1 month ago

UN forums are used as blackmailing and bargaining tools for American and European interests.

1 month ago

If Israel will loose it is a shame for the political court and all humanity.
Defending yourself from viscious terrorists is not a crime.
This charge supposed to be deleted and south Africa's crimes should be stopped

1 month ago

What a waste of time and money this is. Israel won't take any notice of the result. All this kangaroo court is, is to keep the lefties happy

1 month ago

Hama's will destroy the world, open your eyes people!! Are you really that narrow minded 🤔

1 month ago

Will they be held accountable and face consequences for their crimes ? Of course not.

1 month ago

Israel is freeing Gaza from the tyrannical rule of the Hamas.

Israel left Gaza in 2005.

Israel left many greenhouses, farms, and orchards in Gaza.

1 month ago


1 month ago

The truth cannot be hidden. Without Islamic terrorism and the West's lack of interest in Islamic terrorism. Millions of civilians and children would not have been murdered, in Syria, Iraq, Israel, the USA and throughout the West.

1 month ago

Israel will loose nothing is not what you do but who you do it to it not what you know but who you know america controls everything

1 month ago

Well, if all the pro- Israel countries stop their funding of the ICJ, there won't be an ICJ anymore. Especially SA that refused to arrest and turn over Bashir to the ICC as they were compelled to do.