: Hunter Biden responds to GOP lawmakers’ criticisms

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Hunter Biden, the son of President Joe Biden, is not taking the attacks from GOP lawmakers lying down. In a recent interview on ABC’s “Good Morning America,” Biden fired back at the Republican politicians who have been targeting him and his business dealings.

“I’m proud of what I did,” Biden said in the interview. “I’ve done nothing wrong. I went through some hard times, but I came out on the other side.”

Biden has been the subject of intense scrutiny from Republicans, who have accused him of using his father’s political influence to secure business deals in Ukraine and China. These allegations have been at the center of numerous investigations, including the widely publicized impeachment of his father, then-Vice President Joe Biden, in 2019.

But Hunter Biden maintains that he has done nothing illegal or unethical. He points to the fact that a Senate investigation last year did not find any evidence of wrongdoing on his part. “I take it very seriously, but I’m getting asked to do a thousand push-ups or answer those questions in ways that I simply won’t,” Biden said.

In the interview, Biden also addressed his struggles with substance abuse, acknowledging that he made mistakes but insisting that he has worked to overcome them. “I’ve been through some real, real stuff. It’s about whether or not you can pick yourself up,” he said.

The attacks on Hunter Biden have been a rallying cry for the GOP, with some lawmakers using his business dealings as a way to attack President Biden’s administration. But the president has stood by his son, defending him and dismissing the allegations as a political tactic.

The interview on “Good Morning America” marks Hunter Biden’s latest effort to push back against the accusations and scrutiny he has faced. He spoke candidly about his past struggles and his current focus on his art career, saying that he has found a new passion in painting.

Despite the ongoing attacks from Republicans, Hunter Biden seems determined to move forward and leave the controversies behind. “I take full responsibility for my problems,” he said. “But there’s not a lot of people who can go through what I went through and come out the other side.”

Biden’s defiant stance and candid interview have drawn both support and criticism. But he remains resolute in his determination to move forward and focus on his art and family, while dismissing the allegations against him as baseless attacks from political opponents.

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6 months ago

Eff hunter and his dad.
And to all you that love these traitors!!!

6 months ago

I have never read so many uneducated responses to what is clearly a circus act AGAIN from the Democrats. This is NOT a hearing. It is a deposition. Just like ALL the Trump children did with Democrats in PRIVATE. It is how our judicial system works for DEPOSITIONS. I know Democrats think that the court of opinion is what matters in this country and convictions in court of public oponion mean something, but they dont. Hunter and the Democrats are making a mockery of our judicial system to manipulate their base. And by the looks of all the ignorant, uneducated responses on here, its working on you fools.

6 months ago

He definitely needs to run for president, ! Perfect alternative! Gotchca pay your taxes boy like every other American! They live 😎

6 months ago

we the people will decide

6 months ago

you are here is exactly the point you should be in jail!!!!!

6 months ago

Blah blah. IRS whistleblowers exposed his tax evasion. Why he is going away. He isn’t a man He is a snotty nosed entitled spoiled brat who thought he was above the law. Facts don’t lie. Just the Biden’s do. Can’t wait till his sociopathic father is out of office. Sick of this dysfunctional family

6 months ago

James Comer has multiple shell companies and some very shady friends that run them… Not a made-up story…Google it for yourselves .

6 months ago

What a liar like his father. That’s his problem. He doesn’t pay his taxes. IRS whistleblowers expose him. He blames Trump. He’s the one who evaded paying his taxes. What a cad. Hope he goes away for a long long time.

6 months ago

Crack head 😂

6 months ago

yeah true darkness the people of Hawaii lost their families lost their land but its OK 700$per family and billions in weapons for Ukraine NAZI that is what you call organized CRIME

6 months ago

This is just ridiculous. How can he stand there and live with himself.

6 months ago

This guy is creepy. I have a feeling Joe Biden is his real father.

6 months ago

And those who believe you drank a barrel of democrap cool aid.

6 months ago

Daddy will get me out of this. I and my entire family are crooks

6 months ago

Well they did agree to release the transcripts id personally love to see him lie his ass off on national TV

6 months ago

The lie doesnt fall far from the lying tree.

6 months ago

You want a public hearing? Hey did Trump get a public hearing? Once a precedent is set deal with it.

6 months ago

What a pudding

6 months ago

The IRS and DOJ brought the case under Biden presidency. Those are not political institutions. Just pay the taxes.

6 months ago

Whoever wrote his script 😂 "I am here" ! 🤡