I Gave a Player with Zero Potential a Franchise Rating, and He Became the Greatest of All Time

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Have you ever wondered what would happen if you took a player with a 0 overall rating and gave them franchise potential in a sports video game? Well, wonder no more because in this tutorial, I will show you how to turn a seemingly useless player into the Greatest of All Time (GOAT).

Step 1: Choose Your Player

The first step in this process is to choose a player with a 0 overall rating in your sports video game of choice. This player is essentially the worst of the worst, but with a little bit of tweaking, they will become a superstar. Make sure to pick a player who has potential in a key attribute for the sport, such as speed, strength, or accuracy.

Step 2: Adjust the Player’s Potential

Next, you will need to adjust the player’s potential to franchise level. This can usually be done in the game’s settings or player editor. By setting the player’s potential to franchise level, you are essentially telling the game that this player has the ability to become one of the best to ever play the game.

Step 3: Start the Franchise Mode

Once you have adjusted the player’s potential, start a new franchise mode or career mode in the game. Choose the team that the player is on and begin playing through the season. As the games progress, you will start to see your player improve and rise through the ranks.

Step 4: Train Your Player

To help speed up your player’s development, make sure to focus on training and development. Spend extra time working on the attribute that you believe will help your player become the GOAT. Whether it’s practicing shooting, lifting weights, or improving speed, consistent training will make a big difference in your player’s progress.

Step 5: Watch Your Player Shine

As the seasons go by, you will begin to see your player’s overall rating increase at a rapid pace. Before you know it, your 0 overall player will have transformed into a superstar. Keep playing through the seasons and watch as your player becomes the face of the franchise and dominates the competition.

Step 6: Achieve GOAT Status

With dedication and hard work, your once lowly 0 overall player will achieve GOAT status. They will become one of the greatest players in the game’s history and be remembered for generations to come. Enjoy the fruits of your labor and revel in the success of turning a zero into a hero.

In conclusion, by giving a 0 overall player franchise potential in a sports video game, you can transform them into the GOAT. Follow these steps and watch as your player rises through the ranks to become a legend in the game. Good luck and have fun on your journey to greatness!

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1 hour ago

Is this nhl 25?

1 hour ago

The Hernandez build is avsolutelt hilarious!! Bro couldn't skate lines to save his life😂😂

1 hour ago

Moncton tigers…. Are u from New-Brunswick?

1 hour ago

Hall Angela Young James Moore Paul

1 hour ago

Bro built Doug Glatt by accident

1 hour ago

I was playing NHL04 Rebuilt for like 10 years, and finally decided get a new NHL game. Got on YouTube to see what anyone else had done to the Sabres in 24 Franchise mode. Did not expect to find myself watching every video of a dude playing NHL24 and beyond, regardless of team or any other thing, but here I am. A few weeks later and here I am trying to decide if it's worth it to buy a custom Jimmy Hernandez jersey, even if no one who sees it will get the joke but me

1 hour ago

How do I add custom players to my franchise team?

1 hour ago

He was kind of a Happy Gilmore player but for some reason got a NHL contract as a teenager.

1 hour ago

You should jump into one of the 0 ovr games for a bit so we can see what it looks like to get 0 shots in a game

1 hour ago

My biggest achievement; A 4th liner for the Moncton Tigers. Cody James forever

1 hour ago

13:30 L SOTI for taking me out of the lineup 👎

1 hour ago


1 hour ago


1 hour ago


1 hour ago

I’m tried something like this with 6 players each having these stats and potential, I played them on all 4 lines, the defenseman became 95 overalls, the goalie, 92, the center 90, the left winger a 75, and the right winger and 82

1 hour ago

Do the opposite
Make a 99 overall into the worst player ever

1 hour ago

Stick on the Ice watches TNA???

1 hour ago

Joe Hendry!

1 hour ago

nobody else noticed kochetkov won 5 cups in his career 2 with carolina 5 with the tigers

1 hour ago

I believe in Joe Hendry 👏👏

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