Image Classification with User Interface: An End-to-End Example using PyTorch and Python

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Image Classification with UI

Image Classification with UI

Image classification is a popular task in the field of computer vision, where the goal is to categorize images into different classes or labels. In this article, we will discuss an end-to-end image classification example using PyTorch and Python. We will also create a user interface (UI) for easy interaction with our image classification model. Let’s get started!

PyTorch and Python

PyTorch is a popular deep learning framework developed by Facebook AI Research, which provides a flexible and easy-to-use platform for building and training neural networks. Python is a widely-used programming language for data science and machine learning, making it a perfect choice for implementing image classification models.

End-to-End Image Classification Example

For our image classification example, we will use a pre-trained deep learning model called ResNet-18, which is famous for its performance on image classification tasks. We will fine-tune this model on a dataset of images, and then use it to classify new images into different categories.

We will write Python code to load the pre-trained ResNet-18 model, fine-tune it on our dataset, and make predictions on new images. We will then create a user interface (UI) using HTML and JavaScript to allow users to upload images and see the classification results in real-time.

Creating the User Interface

Below is a simple HTML form that allows users to upload an image file and see the predicted class label:

document.getElementById(‘imageForm’).addEventListener(‘submit’, async function(event) {

const formData = new FormData(this);

const response = await fetch(‘’, {
method: ‘POST’,
body: formData

const result = await response.json();

document.getElementById(‘results’).innerHTML = `Predicted class: ${result.class}`;


In this article, we discussed the concept of image classification and how to implement an end-to-end image classification example using PyTorch and Python. We also created a user interface (UI) for easy interaction with our image classification model. By following this example, you can build your own image classification system and deploy it with a user-friendly interface.

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3 months ago

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